The 2nd stall

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I sprinted through the hallways running after Melanie. I saw her run into the second cubicle of the girls bathroom. She began to sob as I quietly walked in.

"Melanie?" I asked aloud, waiting for a response.
"Y-Y/N?" She stuttered over her words. "I-I...-"
I then gently pushed open the cubicle that Melanie was hiding and sobbing in, and locked it behind me.
"Melanie, what happened?" I gently asked. Normally I would've left her alone, but she looked so upset that I couldn't help myself.
"M-Mmm-...I-I-...K-Kel-" She was practically choking on her words as she sobbed. I sat down, sat her on my lap, and hugged her tightly, trying to help her calm down. She was practically being straddled as I rocked her back and forth.
"It seems that hugs make her feel better." I thought. She instantly calmed down and relaxed a little.
"Are you ready to tell me what happened now?" I gently asked. She nodded and showed me the note.

"Who wrote this?" I asked, ready to throw hands

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"Who wrote this?" I asked, ready to throw hands.
"Kelly d-did." She quietly muttered.
"I think she's trying to like rip my head off or s-something." She was still crying but was a little calmed down.
"Oh, Mel!~ I won't ever let her hurt you, okay? You're too precious!" I giggled as I tapped her nose. Melanie blushed and stopped crying and smiled at my action.
"You're so sweet Y/N." She smiled. Whenever Melanie smiled It set my heart ablaze.

Something about this girl made me really happy and nervous, and I couldn't understand why. My eyes fell to her cute gap between her teeth, and my heart started to beat faster and faster. My eyes flickered between black and my natural color. Melanie started to lean in closer to me. Our faces were inches apart, and I was blushing like crazy.
There was a minute of silence, until she cleared her throat.
"We should get back to class before Ms. Daphne comes back." She whispered.
"Oh right, yes!" I spoke, extremely embarrassed.
"I can't believe I just did that! What even was that!?" I thought as I blushed from embarrassment and lifted her off of my lap, and we walked out of the cubicle.

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now