Whats wrong my dear? (Melanie's pov)

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Melanie's pov!~

I woke up in the middle middle of the night, and opened my eyes.
"Wait...where's Y/N? Did..did we?" I looked around to see no trace of her.
"I..I think it was a dream?"
I decided I wanted to go and get some air. I got up and put on a pink coat. I let Y/N do my makeup, so I had tear shaped jewels underneath my eyelids, and pink eyeshadow on my face. I walked out of my room and looked at the couch. I saw Y/N sleeping on one end, and Celeste on the other.
"I guess it was a dream." I thought to myself. I still walked over to the couch to look at Y/N. She was so incredibly adorable. I got close to her face, and kissed her cheek. I was tired so I wasn't really thinking straight, and didn't think anything of it. I then walked outside, and lay down in the botanical school garden.

I was staring up at the stars, immortally upset.

"What's wrong my dear?" I heard Lilith speak.
I sighed deeply as I started sniffling and crying. "I just don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to feel this pain and I don't want to be here on earth." I said as tears fell to the sides of my face.
"Please just take me with you." I said, my voice cracking. I sighed again.
"I just want to be up there." I muttered.

"The greatest power you will hold is that of acceptance." Lilith spoke to me.
"Any storm you face will transform itself into a crystalline rainbow." She smiled,
"In divine timing." She followed up with. I sighed, closed my eyes and fell asleep, warm tears rolling down my face.

3 hours later...

"Melanie!?" I heard Celeste yell. I opened my eyes to see Celeste running towards me with a worried face. She ran to my side and looked down.
"Are you okay!?" She asked as she crouched down and looked at me worriedly.
"I'm okay! What happened? Why are you guys so worried?" I yawned as I sat up and faced her.
"At least tell us before you leave somewhere! Magnolia, Y/N and I have been looking everywhere for you. Y/N has been running around everywhere freaking out. She thought you left the school without telling her or something." Celeste said worryingly. My eyes widened.
"She really cares about you Melanie." She said with a comforting smile.
"I'm sorry about all of this, I just wanted to get air last night and then accidentally fell asleep here!" I said as I stood up and rubbed my eyes.
"Don't worry about it!" Celeste said with a smile.
"Come on, let's go find the others!" She said grabbing my hand and running to the dorms.

We ran inside and looked around.
"I don't see them anywhere." I said.
"Let me call Magnolia." Celeste spoke while pulling out her phone. I smirked and giggled as I saw her.
"Oh so you got her number....." I said with a smirk.
"Oh shut up!" Celeste laughed and slapped my arm, and the put the phone up to her ear.
"Okay, they're at the tennis court." Celeste said running outside, and I followed after her. We arrived and Celeste ran to Magnolia, while I was still looking for Y/N. I looked around and saw her behind a bush, with her hands covering her face.

"Y/N?" I asked gently and I tapped her shoulder. She looked over to me and jumped up.
"Melli!" She smiled and hugged me.
"I thought you left without telling anyone!" She muttered.
"I would never! I'm so sorry you worried about me." I said hugging her tightly.
"Just tell someone before you go missing!" She spoke as she leaned closer. I couldn't stop staring at her. She blinked with her long eyelashes and smiled as my heart rate sky rocketed.
"Let's go see Celeste and Magnolia!" She said letting go of me and taking my hand as she ran around the corner.

We walked around the corner and played tennis the rest of the day until nighttime.
"Are you happy to have your girlfriend back?" Magnolia asked with a smirk and rocking back and fourth on her heels.
"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" I said blushing.
"What about your girlfriend." I giggled looking over to her as she looked away, blushing and embarrassed.

"Come on guys!" Celeste yelled as her and Y/N ran back to the dorms. We smiled, and ran after them.

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now