The Courtyard

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After burying the principal, Melanie looked over and said,
"Wanna play tennis?"
I smiled.
"Yes! Oh! Let's go find Celeste!" I spoke excitedly as I ran towards the bushes.
"Good idea!" Melanie said as she was running after me.

We were playing tag as we ran around the courtyard looking for Celeste. We were giggling and laughing like little kids, saying
"Tag! You're it!"
Every-time we tapped each others shoulder. My heart fluttered with bliss. Melanie's laugh was making me want to stay like this forever. When it was Melanie's turn to tag me, I was running away, when Melanie tapped my shoulder.
(Like how you're supposed to, girl............🗿)
Instead of just running past me, she accidentally tripped and fell on me.
"Ahh!" She screamed. We hit the grass behind a bush and laughed.
"I'm so sorry Y/N!" She said with her eyes closed and still laughing.
"It's okay Mel!" I said while giggling.

I opened my eyes to see she was on top of me. We were both breathing hard and staring at each other. The blonde side of her hair had perfectly fallen on her face, and she was smiling gently. And once again, I was staring at her lips. I blushed from embarrassment after realizing I was staring at her, and was about to get up when she stopped me.
"Wait, Y/N?" She muttered before I could get up.

She blushed as she grabbed my chin and pulled me closer. Our faces had to be no more than an inch apart. My heart was beating so fast it was hard to breathe.
"W-Wha-" I muttered, but was interrupted by the sound of Celeste. Once Melanie heard her, she jumped off of me, blushing like a red apple.
"Melanie and Y/N is that you? I think I heard a scream."
I got up from the bushes and looked around.
"There you are Y/N! What happened?" Celeste asked, confused.
I was still so flustered I could barely even speak. We weren't visible to her behind the bush, so we weren't questioned on that. That's when Melanie came out and said,
"O-oh I just accidentally tripped over Y/N! We're both okay now though!" She smiled. My heart beat finally slowed down a little.
"Do you guys wanna play tennis now?" I asked nervously.
"Yeah, let's go!" Celeste said grabbing us with her.

"What just happened? Maybe Melanie wasn't doing what I think she was. Maybe she was just going to tell me something? Whatever it was, I can't stop blushing. H-hold on. D-do... do I like Melanie!?"

(Hehehe! it's getting good guys!!!!🤭)

"This is K-12." (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now