I'm Only Me When I'm With You

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-Mariana's POV-

We arrived at the lake, my dad put the boat in the water and everyone was so excited, it made me feel happy.

I look over and this boy was still asleep.

"Luke, come on." I said he jolted up and looked at me, "Sorry, I didn't know I was-" - "It's okay." I laughed, getting out of the car, he followed me out.

We put our stuff inside the boat after we changed into our swimsuits in a near restroom, then all got into the boat and went off.

We had to wear lifejackets since we were underage but it was okay.

"You guys want to go tubbing?" My dad asked, my sister said no instantly, scaredy cat.

"Sure, but I don't want to go alone." I answered, I'm also a scaredy cat.

"I'll go with you." Luke said confidently I smiled as we got on the tub shortly after.

"I'll start off slow and then we can go faster!" My dad said as we sat on the tub.

"Hold on for dear life, my dad loves to go fast." I said as we both laughed.

My dad started going off and he is a liar he didn't start off slow, we instantly were zooming off.

I reached for Lukes hand, he grabbed it.

"For good luck." I screamed he nodded and laughed.

We lasted pretty long until my dad cut a quick curve annihilating both me and Luke into the water.

We both laughed and swam to each other to keep close.

"That was so fun!" He said as I agreed.

My dads boat came up and got us both, my sister ended up wanting to go so I let her switch with me.

"He really cares about you." Luke's mom said loudly.

That sentence made me think.

Made me think about how sweet Luke is.

He truly is wonderful, I thought as I watched him with my sister.

Time went by and we went to a lake house my dad has, we did a cook out.

We had hamburgers and hotdogs cooking on the grill, me and Luke were the last ones swimming in the lake, floating on our backs looking at the sky.

"Hey Luke?" I said in a softer tone.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Thank you." I said, looking over at him, his eyes meeting mine.

"For what?" He asked.

"Making me so happy when my boyfriends been distant. Recently all I feel like is that...honestly, I'm only me when I'm with you, I'm truly my happiest and I'm thankful I have you." I said as he smiled, turning red.

"Dinners ready!" My dad called out, we broke eye contact, getting out of the lake.

We dried ourselves off with towels and began to eat.

"Alright kids, sleeping arrangement tonight. Your mom doesn't like being on the road at night so to make everyone's mood stay happy we will stay here. Me and your mother will have the double bed downstairs and Luke's mom will have the guest room single bed. There's two air mattresses upstairs ones a single and ones a double you can figure that out yourselves." He explains whilst everyone eats.

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