If This Was a Movie

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-Marianas POV-

Within 10 minutes Luke was walking up from the rental car be parked somewhere.

"How'd you know I liked scary movies?" He joked, I laughed quietly.

"Adam felt sick and left and I had already bought the tickets, so I wasn't going to waste them." I explained, he looked at me as we went in sat in and found our seats confused.

"He didn't take you home?" He questioned.

I couldn't really defend this situation.

"He's never really like this." I tried to say.

"It's okay, I'll stay and watch it with you." He smiled as the screen started to play the film.

Time went by, the suspense was killing me, horror movies terrify me. The music had stopped in the movie and I was so scared. I put my head to the left of me towards Luke and covered my eyes.

"Nothings happening?" He whispered.

"Exactly." I whispered back.

The movie went by surprisingly fast but sometimes felt like it wasn't going quick enough.

Thankfully it ended.

We walked out of the theatre and to the rental, Luke opened my door for me, he was truly a gentleman.

"You want to go get some Wendy's? I saw one on the way here, on me." He offered, "Sure, I'd love to." I answered, we instantly drove off.

I was happy Luke was here with me, at least someone was. But I couldn't help but think of Adam, he gave no signs of being sick. I hoped he wasn't mad at me over Luke.

I just think to myself, if this was a movie he would've been here right now.

I zoned back into the moment and Luke was jamming out to "Party In the USA" by Miley Cyrus. I think he really enjoyed being here in the country.

I smiled at the sight of him.

His voice was actually really nice, his hair had such a soft looking texture and seemed so natural.

He looked over at me and turned down the radio, "You alright?" He asked, I broke eye contact.

"Yeah, sorry I just zoned out." I apologized as he parked the car at Wendy's.

We got out and went in, we ordered and he paid, while he waited for our food I found us a spot to sit, and got my drink from the fountain.

Moments later Luke came with our food and sat across from me in the small booth.

We sat and talked about our lives and caught each other up on the last ten years, he told me about his friends back home.

"So why'd your dad and brothers not come?" I asked, he looked away from my eyes.

"They had sport stuff to deal with." He answered, I nodded while eating my burger.

I heard the door open but thought nothing of it, until I heard a voice I recognized.

I looked past Luke's head and saw Adam with his parents.

I put down my burger and got up, Luke watched where I went.

"Adam! Hey, Mr and Mrs. Berlin." I spoke up, they all looked at me in shock, especially Adam.

"Hi, sweetie! We didn't expect to see you here!" His mother said I smile and looked at Adam.

"I thought you were sick?" I questioned as his parents looked at him concerned. "You felt sick?" His mother asked, I looked at him in a minor shock.

"I um, I got over it pretty quickly! I forgot to tell you that but um - what are you doing here so late?" He asked I could feel his panic.

"I saw the movie with Luke and we came here to grab dinner." I answered his smile faded.

"Luke?" He questioned, I nodded. "Well I'll let you guys get to your business, nice seeing you guys." I said quickly as I walked away and sat in my spot, I purposely felt the need to tell him Luke was with me. I kind of enjoyed leaving the conversation before he could say anything else

Luke's eyebrows were raised and he was drinking his soda.

"You want to get this to go?" I asked, he nodded and we got up, getting boxes and going to the car.

"Do you think he lied to me about being sick?" I asked, Luke quickly nodded. "Totally." I sighed.

"He's never like this, I don't get it." I complained as Luke backed out of the parking spot.

"I'm sure it'll be okay, he'll come around to whatever he's upset about." He replied, I shrugged as we drove home.

We arrived home shortly, the sun was setting.

Our parents welcomed us back home and we had a quiet long conversation about the movie, it was sudden when everyone was ready to go to bed.

I think I never have wanted to admit to myself that once it comes to that point of the day when you're alone with just your thoughts and feelings it can be scary. I'm not scared of sleeping, or going to sleep.

I hate being alone with my head.

Luke and his mom went to the cabin outside and my sister had already been in bed for a bit. My parents went away too.

I went to my room and changed into some more comfy clothes and I laid down in bed.

I could only overthink.

About Adam.

About how he lied, and he isn't even texting me to apologize.

I had never felt this way towards him until now, he had been the best boyfriend ever.

What is changing.

Is it really Luke?

If this is Luke's first day here out of the whole summer how will the rest be like?

Will Adam leave me?

Will I be alone?

Will this end soon with him?

He wouldn't do that.

Would he?

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