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3rd person view - Avengers perspective

"Alright Fury what's this about?" Steve says as everyone sat down in the briefing room.

"One of my agents went on an undercover mission that was supposed to last 4 months, its now been 6. I need you guys to go get them for me." He says standing up with his hands on the table.

"What's this about? You normally just send another agent to go get them, why is it an Avengers level mission?" Nat says questioning him.

"The person on the mission is the person I send to go rescue others. They're my best agent." Fury replies. "I'm concerned about them, they never spend a second over the mission time, ever. Plus I have new recruits I need training. Heres a memory stick with everything you need to know. Keep me posted." And with that he dramatically walked out of the room.

"God I hate that man sometimes, whats on there Tony?" Maria asks Tony who was closest to the USB.

Tony loads it into the computer and it shows only one document on there. An address with a note.

"Oh. My. God. I feel so overwhelmed right now with the amount of information." Pietro says sarcastically.

"Okat there's an address and coordinates and the note says 'SHIELD can not disclose information or identification on the person you are retrieving. They are needed preferably alive.' Well thats useful." Tony says to the group.

"So what? We have to go to the location and just, guess? Just completely guess if we find the right person?" Peter asks confused.

"Well if they are anything like Fury says then they will probably reveal themselves. I'm guessing they're stuck or trapped there if they havent left yet." Maria answers.

"Right lets suit up. Meet at aircraft one in 30 minutes." Steve decides.

"Roger on." Sam smirks at him leaving the room.

3rd person view - Zia's perspective

"Good morning darling." John said to Zia.

"Good morning my dear, how did you sleep?" They sigh and sit up with a small smile.

"Very good because you were next to me." He smirks at them.

"You always say that." They chuckle.

"Because it's always true." He leans down to kiss them.

"SECURITY BREACH" Linda says through the speakers.

"Stay here my love, I shall find out whats going on." John says.

"Okay, please be safe!"

John walks out of their shared bedroom and home and into the mafias baseroom. He passed countless of dead bodies when he left the attached apartment.

There he sees the Avengers, they were responsible for killing his guards, his crew. He won't let them touch his baby.

"What do you want?" He calls out to them from the ledge he was standing on overlooking them.

"I think you know!" Captain America replies.

"I won't let you touch my baby!"

"What's going on?" Zia asks approaching John from behind.

"Hey don't worry they aren't going to touch you, I've got this." He says grabbing Zia from their waist.

"Fury sent us. You have someone he needs." Iron man says to John.

John pushes Zia behind him. "He isn't getting them!"

"Did you say Fury?" Zia asks timidly. They move to stand next to John.

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