Seven is the vast majority

7 1 0

Foreigner's God by Hozier

"Ah, Cass, darling, you're back. We're just about to set out for the day." Mrs Beaver said when Cass reached the camp.

Cass took the bread that was offered her, and followed behind the group as she chewed on it.

Lucy fell into step with Cass.

" Cass your full name?" Lucy asked.

Susan sent a warning look to Lucy over her shoulder.

Cass gave Lucy a small smile.

"No. My name is actually Cassiopeia. Cass is just a nickname."

Lucy grinned. "I like the name Cassiopeia way more. Do you have a surname and middle name as well?"

"My full name on my birth certificate is Cassiopeia Genevieve Alaric. Do you have a middle name?"

Lucy seemed awe struck.

"Wow. Your name is so much cooler than mine. Lucy Helen Pevensie. It doesn't have such a ring as Cassiopeia Genevieve Alaric."

Cass smiled. "Thanks."

"When is your birthday?" Lucy asked.

"My birthday is on the 10th of October, and yours?"

"Mine is on the 6th of August." Lucy stated proudly.

Lucy was silent for a few moments, before she started speaking again.

"If you don't mind me asking, what color are your eyes? I haven't been able to figure out what they are."

Cass' face heated. "What do you mean?"

Lucy seemed to try to backtrack. "Oh, no, I don't mean it as anything strange, they just...I can't decide what color they are, they seem to change."

"Oh. I never noticed. My eyes look grey to me." Cass noted, feeling a bit strange and self conscious about her eyes all of a sudden.

Susan slowed a few paces ahead to be able to join in on the conversation.

"So where are you from?" Susan asked.

"Beacon Hills, California. And you guys?"

"Finchley. In London." Susan answered.

"As in...England?"

Susan laughed at Cass' reaction and nodded.

"Are you religious?" Lucy asked randomly.

Susan sent her a glare. "Lu, you can't just ask people that!"

Lucy recoiled from Susan's harsh glare. "I'm sorry, I was curious."

"It's all right." Cass soothed. "I'm not particularly religious. Never have been. I didn't grow up being religious, but one of my friends are."

A pang went through her as she thought about Stiles praying in the hospital hallway for his mom to be healed. She stopped believing in anything after she sat with him on the floor and he cried there.

"We're part of the Church of England." Lucy answered.

Cass nodded. She didn't know what that was, so she didn't say anything.

Peter slowed his step to be able to join the conversation.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Peter asked.

Cass thought about her answer carefully.

"No, not really. I've never really had the time." She answered sheepishly.

"I paint." Lucy stated proudly.

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