Beautiful Blossoms | 1

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Cyno walked with his polearm beside him, his footsteps were soft on the grass. His sharp apricot colors eyes scanned the hill he was currently walking upon. A few minutes ago he spotted a pink glow from afar, he's heard of the rarity of Sakura trees growing here in Sumeru. He's never seen one except in Inazuma where Sakura trees were a norm for citizens there.

As he reached the edge of the cliff, he finally found what he was looking for.

The tree stood pridefully in the sun, its branches swayed in the wind making petals slowly fall off giving it a pink-orange glow. Small petals littered the ground beautifully along with exotic blue flowers glowing along with the tree. It was truly a sight to behold, he didn't want to be selfish and have the place to himself.

A small smile rested on his lips, and he suddenly felt at ease. Taking a deep breath in he couldn't help but raise his head and close his eyes, the forest air was always so clear and fresh something he's been missing for weeks. Opening his eyes again, he looked around the area, Gandharva Ville was not too far from here, probably just 12 minute walk.

So he wasted no time and rushed to the big tree, where his loved ones stayed. Looking up to the sun in the west he saw it slowly coming down to meet the horizon. Luckily he still had a lot of time.


When he arrived in the village he noticed it was not as busy as the other times he's visited. He went straight into the hut with the broken bridge, thankfully finding Collei on her desk, most likely studying another book her mentor had assigned her. He knocked softly on the door catching the young girl's attention with a flinch.

"Good Evening Collei." And with that, Cyno entered the hut. She darted her eyes around the room before replying to the General.

"G-good Evening General Mahamatra." Collei nervously smiled back. Cyno sighed, "Please Cyno is all, besides no need for formalities here." He returned her gesture with a kind smile. It seemed to relax her expression.

"Is there anything you need? Master Tighnari is in his hut by the way." She explained more calmly. Cyno's eyes brightened at the mention of Tighnari, his job finding him is made easier. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking

"I was wondering... if you and Tighnari would like to go somewhere. Not in the city of course." Cyno said after a while, he knew the city was quite overwhelming for both Collei and Tighnari from loud sounds and the number of people everywhere.

Collei took a moment before she gave a short hum and stood up straight beaming. "I would love to go! It's not every day we get to hang out with you." She smiled before packing her bag. Cyno heard her mumbling under her breath incoherent words, but he only picked up two. Bandages and medicine.

"Woah there flower, I know a safe route, no need to pack this much." Collei flushed at the nickname, she looked down at her pack before huffing. "You're not the only one who knows who to protect others, these are just in case." She explained while adding her bamboo water bottle and zipping it shut.

Cyno sighed, Tighnari truly raised her well. "Let's go get Tighnari, I came here first so that you can help me convince him,"

Collei rolled her eyes, almost every time she would ask for something, Tighnari's reply was mostly yes and Cyno, of course, knew that. The two quickly made their way to Tighnari's hut, both noticed the sun behind pink and orange clouds starting to set. They had to hurry. Cyno stepped in first, invited by the sweet scent of flowers. Right at the desk sat the fennec, writing effortlessly on a piece of parchment with ink and pen.

"Didn't I tell you it's rude to enter someone's house without knocking?" Cyno huffed and placed two hands on the working fennec's shoulders, he rolled his thumb in a circular motion. Tighnari rested his pen back in the ink and straightened his back letting out a pleasant sigh. He hummed softly, letting Cyno massage him gently.

"Mm, Cyno dear, if you need anything just ask," Tighnari said with his eyes still closed. Cyno hummed softly as he turned around to gesture Collei in. Tighnari stifled back a laugh also looking behind to find Collei with a backpack. Raising a brow at the two, Tighnari let out a sigh.

"M-master Tighnari, Cyno... and me! We were wondering if you would like to go out?" Collei stood there nervously, her feet shifted in place as she glanced back at Cyno to then to Tighnari. The fennec's eyes widened in surprise he was not expecting that.

"If it's in the city, I'll—"

Cyno was quick to cut him off, "It's not in the city." Tighnari paused as his brows knitted together in thought.

"Oh, well then... where are we going?" Tighnari asked looking up to meet his partner's gaze, he saw how Cyno's eyes brightened up, making him even more curious.

"It's a surprise, even Collei doesn't know where." Tighnari sighed, he stood up and stretched his arms out with a short grunt. Then relaxed it with a satisfied sigh. "Let's go." He walked over to the door and picked up his bow. The two then followed him out the door. Tighnari talked with one of the rangers about his leave. They nodded with a salute and wished a farewell to him. Tighnari thanked them and went over to Cyno, who was waiting patiently for him. "Come now, the sun won't be up for long," He informed them and started making his way to a path near Collei's hut.

The walk was peaceful, melodic chirps and faint noises from the forest were one of the only sounds that were made during the trip. Thankfully there was no sign of danger or distress from anywhere near the trio. The path was not so clear as the paths in Gandharva, it was crooked and narrow, and bushes and roots almost made them tumble onto the ground. Even though it was just a few minutes walk, it felt almost like an hour, somehow draining some power from the two forest rangers. Cyno was a bit familiar with the way and his stamina was barely depleted.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they made it to the base of the hill where Cyno was earlier. Tighnari huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he scanned the area briefly. It was just a grassy landscape with the sunset in the west. "Um Cyno, are you sure this is where we are supposed to be?" Collei pointed out as a frown was shown on her face.

"Cyno..." Tighnari whispered and stood beside him. Collei ran to the edge of the hill and dropped her bag, she gasped and stood in place. Cyno chuckled to himself and took the hand of his lover.

"MASTER TIGHNARI! LOOK!" Collei's shouts made the fennec wince, he smiled and walked with Cyno after Collei.

The view was breathtaking. There was a beautiful Sakura tree on another hill, it stood out with its pink glow. Petals were floating off as the branches gently swayed in the wind.

Tighnari squeezed the man's tan calloused hand, Cyno met his eyes with fondness. "Come, standing here isn't the only part" Collei giggled and took off gliding down to the tree with Tighnari and Cyno following after.

They soon rested under the tree and on the petals. The whole time there were giggles and laughter, they shared memories as they watched the sunset. This was a moment that could never be forgotten...


Thank you for reading!! Cynonari Family-centric in this one chapter and the next is just Cyno and Tighnari.

1298 Words

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