Chapter five: I don't hate you

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He doesn't say anything so and I sigh " that's why we can't be together, because if I don't reject you and leave they will come and attack. I will not allow any innocent people get hurt because of me " I inform him finishing breathless. I take a deep breath, looking at him waiting for his reaction. His eyes soften as he looks at me " is that the reason ?" he asks. I nod and look away " I know you hate, so I'm going to leave now " I mumble slowly backing away. He whips out his hand and grabs my wrist. I shiver as he crushes me to his chest. I sigh loving the tingles spreading through my body. I feel his chest vibrate as he hums happily " I don't hate you Eva, I could never hate you " he whispers in my ear.

I pull away reluctantly " I have to go " I whisper hating myself as I see his face drops. I swallow the lump forming in my throat " I have to or they will join with their allies and kill so many people " I say trying to convince myself more than him. I turn around and begin walking away quickly wiping the tears falling down my cheeks. My wolf claws at my restraint trying to get out to comfort our mate but I push her back using all my strength. As I'm walkimg I hear a painfilled howl rip through the air. I shut my eyes and try to ignore it as I continue to walk.

I soon reach the border but as I step a foot out of the border I hear a high pitched scream. I am quick to react and before I realise what I'm doing i sprinting towards the scream. I see trees whip past me as I sprint into a clearing seeing a little girl on the ground crying as a rogue pins her down getting closer and closer to her neck. I let out a low growl amd slowly let my wolf take ahlf control of my body. I move quickly towards them and snap his neck throwing his lifeless body aside and kneel down soothing the little girl. She clutches my shoulders sobbing into my neck.

I awkwardly rub her back whispering soothing words in her ear. I hear loud growls and stiffen slowly turning around. I let go off the girl and stand in front of her protectively. I relax as I see a huge black wolf walking towards me with green eyes and flecks of gold. he stands infront of me and licks my cheek. I scrunch up my nose and push him away. I kneel down " now why don't you go home with these wolves " I whisper to her. She quickly nods and runs towards them. They all bow their heads in a sign of respect and walk through the forest.

I stand back up and turn around to see Luke nowhere to be seen. I sigh and feel two arms wrap my waist and know it's Luke instantly. I slowly turn and come face to face with chisled abs. I gulp audibly and stare at his chest, my wolf purrs at how sexy out mate is. " No fair " I whine as he chuckles " using your body to make me stay " I growl lowly. He lets out a booming laugh and looks down at me " Eva " he whispers " will you give me and my pack a chance and be mine " he asks nervously. I nod slowly unsure of my decision.

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