Chapter ten: what did I tell you?

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The next few days after my old packs visit, I have barely seen Luke as he is busy with pack business. I wake up panting and in a cold sweat from another nightmare. I shiver pulling the blankets close to my body remembering.

* nightmare *
My arms and legs are bound to a chair that reminds me greatly of a dentist's chair. I struggle against the chains and cry as the silver burns into my skin. The door slams against the wall and I freeze hearing my father's heavy footsteps along with my mother's less quiet steps. I whimper in fear as the lock clicks, I shrink back into the chair closing my eyes as my father stands in front of me holding his favourite silver knife. He fists collides with mu cheek and my head whips to the side. I feel the familiar metallic taste of blood fill my mouth and I spit it out. Blood dribbles down my chin as I sit back. I cry out in pain as he drags his knife from the corner of my mouth, across my cheek and below my ear. My face burns from the silver soon going numb as the blood freely falls from my face.

* end of nightmare *

I rub my face and shake my head getting rid of the memories. I look at the bed and sigh seeing Luke's side empty for the fifth morning in a row. I sigh again and get out of bed heading into the bathroom for a shower to calm myself. I lean my head against the wall letting the water hit my back, relaxing my tense muscles. I do the essentials and pull on a pair of leggings and one of Luke's t-shirts. I brush put my hair and tie it back in a messy bun. I feel a pinch in my chest but I ignore it and my wolf as she starts growling. I glance in the mirror looking as bad as I feel. I sigh and turn away walking downstairs. I feel the pinch in my chest again and frown walking slowly down the stairs trying to figure what it is.

I notice all the stares and frown wondering what's going on but ignore them. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet while glancing out the window. I feel the pinch again but this time it's ten times worse, I gasp and drop the glass not feeling the shards cut into my legs from it smashing on the ground. I'm stood frozen while watching my mate struggle against the redhead slut Susan as she kisses him. I don't hear Mia behind me until she growls in my ear " kill that bitch". That's all the motivation I need and slam the back door open. I stalk forward seeing red as my wolf slowly takes over my body.

My eyes turn a darker blue due to my wolf and I march forward. I let out a low growl and grab her by the hair, pulling her away from Luke and throw her to the ground. " what did I tell you? " I snarl viciously. I feel Luke wrap his arms around my waist and I slap them away as he tries to pull me away from her " don't " I growl at him watching the redhead. My hands shake violently as she stands up grinning " you have to understand Luke is mine " she growls loudly. I snarl and she continues " bitch when he gets what he wants from you he will crawl back into my bed like always " she continues.

I snap and lunge at her, knocking her to the ground. Everyone in the packhouse start filing out to watch. I let my wolf slowly take over but not take full control. I growl a deep, gutteral growl that leaves everyone silent " HE IS MINE " I roar in her face and grab her by the throat slowly squeezing the breath out of her. I smile viciously as she turns pink and the bright red. She smirks " where has he been the past four nights? " She chokes out. I let go of her throat and repeatedly punch her in the face.

I hear a sickening crunch and hear her roars of agony. I stand up and shove past Luke shifting into my wolf as and sprinting as fast as I can through the forest. I let my wolf fully take over and relish in the surge of power that flows through my body and push myself harder and faster through the forest. I reach a huge lake and take a tuning jump, flipping through the air and shifting back into my human form. I hit the bottom and push myself up, resurfacing for air. I start swimming fast laps around the lake to calm down and after awhile I feel the anger wash away and I start to slow down.

I start to get out but remember I don't have any clothes " shit" I mumble sinking back into the water, deciding to mindlink Mia " Hey um I'm at the lake and have no clothes can you bring me some ". Her reply is quick " sure I'm on my way " she says. I grin and close my eyes waiting for her. I hear a twig snap and I look around spotting Luke " Eva you have to believe me, I wouldn't ever do that to you " he whispers " baby please believe me " he begs walking closer.

" I believe you Luke " I say smiling " I just had to get away from there or I would have killed her " I explain. He lets out a breath of relief but looks at me confused " are you not getting out of the water " he asks. I awkwardly cough " um I'm naked " I say quietly blushing. He looks at me and a grin reaches his face, stepping forward. " don't even think about it " I growl. He smiles " I'll wait " is all he says and pulls off his shirt,
throws it to me and turning around so his back is to me. I slowly get out and pull his shirt on quickly.

" you can look now " I say and he turns around eyes raking my body. He smiles " let's go home " he says while taking my hand and entwining our fingers. We begin walking back and Luke suddenly stops " will you go on a date with me tomorrow night? " He asks nervously. " of course " I say happily and hug him, grinning like a maniac. Luke grins back and we walk home. I look at Luke as he starts chuckling for no reason. " you beat her up bad " he explains seeing my confused look. " good " I growl my eyes flashing a darker blur showing a glimpse of my wolf.

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