Chapter 4

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I had the first 5 hours of a criminology exam today, but alas, the grind continues!

v sorry for this one xx

y/n pov

The walk home was blissful as we walked in a comfortable silence. At some point Emily put her blazer over my shoulders, insisting it would be too cold despite it being May. I would never admit she was right, there was quite a bite in the air.

Our apartments were quite far from each other, so when Emily said she'd call an uber home from mine, I refused, insisting she stay at mine.

'Come on Em, I don't feel comfortable letting you uber back. Please, stay.' I said, watching her resolve drop almost immediately.

She walked close behind me up to my apartment, my boots still in hand. Her presence was setting me alight. It is just the wine talking y/n, leave it.

I knew I was completely lying to myself. At this gravity was practically pulling us towards each other.

Reaching my apartment, I reached into my bag, as Emily leant her back slightly against the door on the side of the handle.

I fished the key out and stepped towards the door, and thus closer to Emily, our faces now inches apart.

Neither of us moved, afraid if we did, the moment would end. 'Em...' I let out, more breathily than expected at the implication of being so close, her warm vanilla and cedar wood scent attracting me closer, if anything. 'We have to go inside.'

She slowly backed away; eyes still intent on being in contact with mine. I must admit, I was struggling to look away myself.

We walked into the entrance, and I went over to the kitchen to get us some waters, the raven-haired woman watching as I moved around the space with intention.

Placing the glasses on the kitchen island, I asked if she'd like any clothes to change into, to which she nodded, setting me to the task of getting Emily and myself clothes.

This was a harder job than I had thought. I drank a lot more than I usually do, especially considering my nerves about the night. This meant, when I lifted my leg to step into the shorts I had got myself, my foot got tangled and I tumbled to the floor, landing on my knees with a thud, letting out a slight yelp followed by some swearing that was kept not so hushed.

'y/n?' I heard Emily question as I heard her walking up towards my room.

'Heyy Emily!' I tried to maintain my dignity as she walked in, slowly losing it though, flushing red at my state.

The second she walked in her eyes darted down to me and up again. 'What do you need from me y/n?' She's so caring.

'My stupid shorts won't go on.' I said covering my embarrassment with anger.

Wordlessly, as if she knew, she helped me up to my feet, holding both of my hands in hers, and sat me back on my bed, putting my shorts on, briefly lifting me to my feet again to pull them up.

'Let's get you to bed sweetheart, yeah?'

A smirk immediately appeared on my face at the older woman's words. You can 100% take me to bed Emily.

As if she could read my mind, she paused in front of me. Our positioning, her stood directly in front of me sat on the bed. I looked up at her, heat coursing through my entire body, settling in my center. I was on fire, and Emily was holding the match.

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