Chapter 22

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Hi guys! Long time no see again! I had exams but they're over now and I finally have free time! it's a short one this time round but i think i ended it in the right place and i wanted to get this out to you after disappearing again.

I'm using tumblr a lot more at the moment so was thinking of uploading there too? I'm not sure yet but if you'd want to persuade me either way I might be more inclined.

c/w: mention of past relationship trauma, eating disorder (slightly), hospitalisation mention (brief), happy ending

y/n pov

Emily drove, my head resting on the window. I didn't dare meet her eyes as she looked over at me, ever taking in the pathetic state of my disposition. I hated being in this vulnerable position, I hated her seeing me in this way, I tried so hard to hide it and now..

I'm stuck and I have no choice, she's going to ask me questions and I'm going to have to explain and-

'Y/n,' a soft voice broke my spiralling mind, cool air meeting my side as I looked to the door that'd opened next to me. 'Come on love, let's get you into the hotel yeah?'

My eyebrows knitted together as I met hers filled with concern, tears threatening to spill out of mine as I blinked them away and wordlessly unbuckled my belt, taking the hand offered out to me.

She walked by my side as if I were fragile, on the verge of collapse at any moment. I let her lead me, letting her take care of me in this moment, letting her feel like she was helping.

I felt some sweet sick joy out of being so broken again, some comfort raging as she took care of me, her touch soft against the pain now evidently coursing through my veins.

We made it to the door of our room where she released my hand to swipe the key, my own finding the bottom of her blazer strangely seeking some comfort from the older woman; a strange form of comfort I rarely found myself seeking when I was in this headspace.

She turned as she opened the door, feeling my hand reaching out, the slight tug on her clothing. Understanding clouded her eyes as they moved between my hand and my eyes, taking my hand in hers again she moved me into the room, guiding me to sit on our shared bed.

Her actions echoed love and compassion and she didn't even know why I was acting in the way i was. I should be running. I should be scared. But the softness that she's showing me makes me want to open up completely, let her in and trust her. I could trust her.

She immediately turned to my bag and started getting my clothes out to get comfortable in as I watched her. She rambled slightly filling the silence, a word hadn't slipped my lips since we left the scene and it was clearly becoming deafening for her.

I interrupted her rustling, my voice startling both her and myself, 'Emily..' She stilled, turning to look at me, concern and worry etched on her face.

'What do you need from me? I can-'

'Emily.' My voice raised, sounding harsher than i meant for it to sound, 'I'm sorry.'

'You scared me.' her voice fell, 'You didn't just scare me y/n, you terrified me.' The way she looked me in the eye as she spoke, the fear still evident in her tone. 'You could've died and i-'

'I'm so sorry Em,' I sat on the bed looking down as my hands picked at my nails.

'I just...I want to know what happened,' she sat on the bed next to me, her hand reaching to separate my anxious hands, my breathing stilling. 'You don't have to tell me everything, but I do want to understand.' She clarified.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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