Chapter 19

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Hiiiii! This chapters kinda a filler but it's got Tara's Pov, y/n's Pov, and Emily's Pov.
I've got a lot going on at the moment so as it has been for the last few months I don't know when the next update will be but hopefully a couple will come out over the holidays?
ALSO i have my driving test next week so wish me luck!!!!!!

y/n pov

The last night had been so perfect, Emily ended staying over. I reasoned that nobody would notice if she borrowed some clothes before work the next day, so we could wake up and have breakfast the next morning, to which she happily agreed.

I woke up, her arm resting on my stomach as she cuddled into me, basking in the warmth she brought with her presence. I placed a soft kiss to her forehead as she stirred awake, softly groaning as her eyes fluttered open looking sleepily up at mine. The brown meeting my eyes causing me to smile back at her. We spent a few moments laying together before my alarm rang out for us to get ready for work, leading to us reluctantly leaving the warmth of the others body.

She'd chosen a deep red shirt from my wardrobe, which honestly looked better on her than it did me; which I was very adamant on letting her know, telling her she should keep it. The blush scattered on her face was a sight I'd never get bored of as she looked back at me in the reflection of the mirror. She's so beautiful.

She finished getting ready first, sneaking into the kitchen to make us pancakes and coffees – well I say coffee, she had one whilst she made me some type of smoothie with whatever fruit I had around.

We ate, I complemented her cooking, which lead to her telling me about her childhood and her fondness for breakfast foods, whilst I drove us in. I listened intently as she explained how she moved around a lot because of her mother and that she was left alone a lot, so the easiest thing she could make for herself were pancakes.

We soon arrived at the Quantico, exchanging one last kiss before making our way to the lift up. I pressed one quick peck to her lips before the doors opened, stepping out before her.

I heard her boots follow me out as I dared to get one last look over my shoulder, hopefully not risking the team seeing. I'm sure they saw nothing.

I walked into the bullpen, holding the door open for Emily as we walked in, smiling softly as we made eye contact, warmth spreading through my body as she softly thanked me and said good morning to the team but soon making her way to her office.

I put my bags down at my desk, when I was approached by Tara almost immediately. 'You rushed off quickly yesterday afternoon. Anything exciting to get home to?' A slightly questioning look in her eye as she asked. Play it cool.

'Yeah, I had a long overdue cuddle on the couch to get to with Lola.' I shrugged it off with the first excuse I could find. Lola my little saviour!!!

'Aww, well I hope you had a nice evening!' She smiled and I returned it.

'I really did!' My smile subconsciously grew as I thought back to the night I had with Emily, and even more so at the thought of her.

I set my bag down at my desk, picking up the files in my draw that I'd finished the previous day, 'I have to take these up to Emily, I'll be back.' I quickly noted to Tara and the rest of the team, 'I can take whoever else needs to hand theirs in too if you'd like?' I offered to the team as they all took me up on my offer, and I gratefully accepted, knowing the more files I had to give her, the more time we could see each other, and the longer I could look at her in my shirt. I quickly made my way up to her office, closing the door behind me.

Tara pov

The team and I watched y/n hurry up to the Chief's office, closing the door behind her, looks being exchanged between the team once she'd left. Like clockwork, the sound of familiar stilettos made their way into the bullpen at rapid pace.

The blonde's eyes darted around the room as if to search for the two team members who'd retreated into the chief's office, massive smile appearing when she realised they weren't in the immediate vicinity. The blonde's eyes darted around the room, landing on the office where the missing two were. She excitedly turned back to us on her toes with an excited grin like she was holding something in.

'My beautiful, beautiful friends!! I have newssssss!!!!' She exclaimed, practically fighting the urge to jump up and down on the spot.

'Pen, should we take this to your office?' I asked, eyes flicking to the office, to which the blonde turned quickly, beckoning us in her stride.

We made our way to Penelope's 'Lair' as she quickly went ahead, and by the time we got there, she was sat in her chair practically bursting. 'Okay, okay! Tell us Garcia, what news do you have.' I relieved her of the silence as I sat, leaning forward slightly, the rest of the team assuming similar positions.

'Okay! Well basically, I'm pretty sure Y/n/n and Em spent the night together or AT LEAST came in together today!!' The smile on Pen's face lit up the room as she filled us in.

'My money's on the first one,' Dave interjected to most everyone's shock, 'What? Y/n left so quickly, and specifically looked at Prentiss on her way out. AND did you see the way she was blushing at her phone as y/n walked out?' That is date behaviour right there.' He concluded. The team looked at him slightly surprised at this revelation, 'What? I like gossip as much as the next person.' he shrugged.

'Dave does have a point,' I supported, shaking off the residual shock from Rossi's indulgence, 'Did you see the way they walked in this morning? I definitely saw y/n look over her shoulder at Prentiss, and I'm pretty sure she was wearing y/n's shirt too,' I trailed off, certain I'd seen that shirt on y/n before.

'And then did you notice the way she scrambled when you asked her where she rushed off too yesterday afternoon, Tara?' JJ asked pointedly towards me, as I nodded as JJ affirmed my next point.

'I really think we're onto something,' Luke added to the conversation, 'I mean did you see how quickly y/l/n went to take the case files up to Prentiss?? I'm gonna be so real, I try to hand off that part of the job to anyone else if I can. It's so tedious and it takes ages, why else would she willingly go, and offer to take everyone else's files?' he shrugged looking around, receiving nods from everyone.

Emily pov

I watched as the door opened from my desk as the younger agent struggled her way into the office, a high stack of files in her arms. She managed to close the door behind her with a sigh, and I got up to help her, taking half off of her and placing them on the desk. She softly thanked me as I took in the sight infront of me. My god how is she this beautiful.

I leaned back on my desk slightly, noticing the team of agents shuffling out following a seemingly excitable Pen, so I took the opportunity to reach y/n's hands pulling her closer towards me, resting them on her hips as the distance closed. I looked up at her now standing between my legs. I watched as she threw a quick glance behind her, checking the bullpen for the team or passers by, turning back when all was clear. She dropped her eyes to my lips before leaning in closer softly pressing her lips against mine, hands resting softly against the sides of my face. I pulled her closer, my tongue gently pressing forward against her lips; she quickly accepted as I took the lead, her easily letting me as I gently deepened the kiss, her face moving around mine.

As breathing became too important to ignore, she pulled back, with a few quick pecks to my lips as I smiled into them, causing her to smile back at me as she pulled away.

I'm so lucky to have her.


They're softtttt. Lemme know if you wanna see anything happen pls xxxx
Ily <3

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