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Belos roared with fury, raising his gooey, knife shaped hand as he readied himself to attack the young witches in front of him. Willow shielded Hunter's head protectively, gasping.

Belo's hand stopped midair, hid hand held in place by a young looking kid.

"Watcha playin?" The kid asked, sounding curious.

Belos let out a small hiss. "Collector...your free! Just as promised." He sounded as if he was trying to escape their anger.

"Just as promised? Because I remember someone throwing me off a bridge. I'm not angry, though." The collector said thoughtfully, tapping their chin. "Say! Wanna play tag?"

The collector rolled his hand in a circle, pulling Belos closer.

"I'm it." They smiled, tapping the evil emperor on the forehead, launching him into the wall.

"CRASH!" The green ooze slammed against the wall, dripping down and leaving everyone's expression a mix of surprise and disgust.

Willow, Amity, Gus, and Luz all looked surprised, while Hunter covered his mouth unsure of whether he was feeling upset, sick, or shocked.

The Collector giggled mischievously. "Too slow!" He turned to stare at them. "You guys look slow too. Do you need a head start?"

"Woah, woah, woah—Collector, buddy, pal—" King ran in front of them, as if trying to distract The Collector.

"King!" They raised their arms happily. "Remember what we talked about?" King reminded.

"You gotta help all my friends outside, or uh—we won't get to play owl house." King looked towards his friends, as if non-verbally trying to get them to go along with it.

"Uh—Owl House? Uh—Gosh, I love that game!" Luz let out a nervous chuckle.

"The memories last a lifetime!" Amity forced out.

"I play it every day!" Willow said.

"I play it every hour!" Gus raised his arms dramatically.

Hunter let out a pained squeak in response.

"I'll explain the rules later—but remember, we need lots of players." King added nervously.

The collector walked forward, past King. Hunter felt Willow grab his arms, lift him and run to the side.

Hunter looked up at Willow and caught her eyes staring down at him too. He would've been flustered, if he wasn't in so much pain. Hunter felt Willow gently pull him up and he relaxed slightly, leaning on her shoulder.

They turned their gazes towards The Collector, who seemed to be scanning the light rays of energy being drained form the citizens of the Boiling Isles. "Hmmmmmm...okay!"

He lifted his finger, and moved the moon away from the sun.

Hunter blinked in surprise, though his attention was drawn away when he felt his pain suddenly subside.

Hunter shifted his weight back to his legs, standing up straight to glance at his sigil. It wasn't glowing anymore—neither were his veins.

"If we're gonna play Owl House, we're gonna need an Owl House!" The collector shouted with excitement, floating up into the air and tearing large shards of stone out of the walls of the titan skull. "Let's have a blast everyone!"

The earth below their feet began to crack open. Willow stepped back in surprise, then casted a glance over her shoulder. "Guys! There might be a way out!" Willow turned and start to run towards the door. Hunter was the first to turn when he heard her voice.

They all trailed quickly behind Willow, staring at the breaking portal door as they approached.

Willow and Hunter stopped at the door. "Human rain doesn't boil!" Gus shouted, running through the portal. Hunter was about to as well, but he turned instead to make sure Luz, Amity and King were coming too.

Luz was holding the door together with her plant glyphs, but turned and let go of a vine when king was being pulled away by an invisible force. "No! King!" She cried, holding in to his arm tighter.

"Luz!" Hunter and Amity both shouted in sync. "No!" Luz shouted. "I-I have to get Eda, go through the portal, I can't hold it much longer!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Amity shouted back.

Hunter would've kept listening, but he felt Willow grip his arm and pull him through the portal.

Moments later, they were all violently thrown into the grass by a loud, booming roar. Hunter fell forward on his right hand, but before he landed, Hunter pulled his arm back (which Willow was still holding onto) to make sure that she didn't hit the ground too hard.

He exhaled with relief and turned his gaze towards everyone else. Gus was on his knees, staring at the door while Luz ran up to it, yelling "No! King!".

But it was too late. The door wasn't a portal anymore; it was just a plain, old, wood door.

Gus stared in distress, then fell forward, sobbing. Hunter turned his gaze towards the sad twelve-year-old.

Slowly, Luz walked towards the forest. Amity quickly followed after her, but casted a short-lived glance at her friends. "Come on, guys, let's follow them." Willow said, standing up. She reached down to Hunter, offering her hand.

He took it gratefully and didn't let go until she did. Hunter trodded over to Gus, helped him up, and wrapped his arm around Gus's shoulder comfortingly.

Small timeskip—

Hunter laid out his sleeping mat carefully. He scanned it, blinking.

Hunter had let Gus take the couch next to him, he remembered, glancing over. Gus let out a giggle of excitement, running across Hunter's sleeping mat to a box of human things.

"Look at all this awesome human stuff!" He cried, grabbing the box and pulling out a bunch of stuff.

"I think it's just 'stuff' here." Hunter replied with a chuckle. He was happy that Gus was already having a somewhat good time.

Gus had a large circular thing around his neck while he was popping a long thin sheet of plastic. He giggled excitedly and ran over to the couch, plopping himself onto the soft cushions.

Camila stepped downstairs, gave them some blankets and sheets, then walked back upstairs.

"Thank you, Camila." Hunter called awkwardly as she stepped up the wooden stairs.

He pressed his head against his pillow with a sigh. Gus sat up, switched off the light, then laid back down. "Night, Hunter." He muttered.

"Night..." Hunter rolled on his side. After a couple of minutes of trying to fall asleep, he finally dozed off.

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