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Izuku smiled after reading the poem Tomura had given him, he could feel himself blush as butterflies started to fill his stomach. He lay in bed kicking his legs as he squealed. There was a big smile on his face that stretched ear to ear, he was so happy just from receiving a small piece of paper.  

He got up and walked over to his memory box slipping the paper in along with all the other letters and poems from Shigaraki. He was in love, he loved Shigaraki so much, spending time with him and receiving gifts from him made him happy.

I sat in class silently resting my chin under my hand as I slowly started to zone out until a finger tapped me. I looked to my right and saw Tomura slide a note over to me.

Have you heard Kendrick's new album??

No, why?

You haven't? You look like you'd enjoy his music

I haven't listened to him, I'm more into Brent Faiyaz

Really? Brent has  good music too, after school we should hang out and listen to Kendrick's new album

Maybe we should

I smiled as I passed the note back to Tomura. We spent the last hour in class passing notes to each other until the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the class "Hey! Wait up" I turned over seeing Tomura as my heart skipped a beat.

"I don't have practice today sooo, wanna hang out? We can listen to that album" I thought about it for a second, when I was about to speak a few guys came running up to him all huddling around him as they messed with him.

"Hey man let's go shoot some hoops!" "Nah we should go out and eat" "Uh...I wanted to go home" Tomura looked at me with an awkward smile as they all ruffled his head making me smile. "I'll see you some other time," I say before walking away.




I watched Izuku walk away as I sighed "I'm going home" I say walking away from my friends. "Huh? Why? The one day we don't have practice you want to spend it at home?" Dabi says as he walks with me

"By the way, who's the guy you were talking to?" "He's a classmate" I lied not wanting to tell him that Izuku was a boy I liked. After all, everyone assumes I'm into girls, and not everyone here likes gay people.

"Ohhh, wait isn't he the one taking pictures for us?" "Yeah, he takes good pictures" "Oh I know, I've seen them" "So you're not down to hang out?" "Nah...I'm tired" "Oh alright, I'll see you tomorrow then"

I entered my apartment and laid in bed burying my face into the pillow as my mind went to Izuku. He's such a strange boy, the way he looks like he does, he's beautiful...I've never met anyone with such innocence beauty and when he smiles it feels like I'm being blinded by how beautiful it is.

Maybe I am falling in love...I reached over for my phone sending a text to him.

Hey sorry about earlier, I wanted to hang out with you

It's okay, I would've liked to hang out with you too, maybe some other time ^( '' )^

What about tomorrow morning? We could go to the park together before school starts

Hmm, okay sounds good to me

Yayy , I'll see you tomorrow then ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

Okay, night Tomura <3

Goodnight Izu ( ˊᵕˋ ) <3

"a cute"

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