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I walked out of class and headed to the tables outside, it was lunch and I was alone as usual. It's been some weeks now after Tomura's last call. I haven't heard from him anymore I guess he did want to just be alone.

I looked down at my camera going through the pictures I'd taken. The school year is about to end, we're now in June and graduation is in 3 days. I still remember the plans me and Tomura wanted to do after graduation. I smiled softly as I relived those memories until a voice called me out.

"Oh hi Touya," I say seeing him "Have you seen Tomura?" "No....why?" "Damn...I haven't seen him since the day he ran out during the photo shoot" My eyes widened as he looked at me "What?" "That was almost two weeks ago! How come you haven't seen him??" "I don't know I mean I thought he's been at your place" "No, We haven't talked..." " guys got in a fight?" "No, we uh broke up"

"Seriously? Why? I thought you guys were happy?" "We were but he didn't want to deal with the people anymore, he wanted time for himself" "Oh, damn I need to find him then..." "Maybe he went back to his parent's home?"  He looked at me and thought about it for a while "You're right....okay I'll try calling him and then look for him, I'll let you know what's up with him" "Oh okay"

Once the last bell of the day rang I started to make my way out. I wanted to get home and lay in bed to just embrace myself as I leave the world by falling asleep and avoiding my problems.

"Izuku! Izuku h-hi!" I blinked looking at a girl who stood in front of me " I know you?" I ask confused. She had a slim figure and pale skin with long dark hair, the more I looked at her the more familiar she looked, maybe I do know her?

"Oh right so sorry! My name is Hana, I'm Tenko's older sister" she said with a smile. My eyes widened in realization as I laughed awkwardly "Sorry! I didn't know, I'm Izuku" "Yes yes I know, Tenko talked a lot about you to me," she said with a wink.

"Well anyways, I'm not exactly sure what this is but he gave me it to give to you" I looked down at her hands that handed me a white envelope. I took it from her and stared at it for a while as my heart pumped up. "Oh...thank you" "No problem, I hope you two talk again, he's come back home but not the same I know my father is a scary person but, it shouldn't stop you two from having that connection you two have," she said with a smile.

"Well, bye I hope to see you again," she said with a smile before walking off. I looked down at the letter and made my way home. I wasn't sure how to feel, should I be happy? Should I have my hopes high?

I sat down staring at the envelope that sat on the table as my leg started to shake nonstop until I finally grabbed it opening it up. I grabbed the paper that was inside and started to read it

In the twilight hours of a fading day,
Where memories dance and shadows play,
I write these lines with a heavy heart,
As I bid my last goodbye, tear apart.

Gone are the days of warmth and bliss,
Now engulfed in the abyss of what we miss.
Once, our love flourished like a summer bloom,
A symphony of passion, rapturous and in tune.

But fate's cruel hand we could not evade,
And love's tender flame began to fade.
Silent tears fled down chiseled cheeks,
While our love story whispered its final speaks.

The echoes of our laughter, fading into the night,
Like whispered promises lost in the silent plight.
In memories, we linger, ghosts of what could be,
Yet destiny's cruel hand has set me free for
I no longer will be around as I take my last breath

With your image in my head for your beauty is the last thing I wish to see as I shut my eyes
And even when I'm gone just know, I love you and I never stopped loving you

- Tenko

My hands trembled as I dropped the paper, tears filled my eyes as my phone rang, I picked it up answering it as I heard the terror in Touya's voice "IZUKU! TOMURA HE-HES"

"He's gone...I'm aware..."

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