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Izuku and Tomura walked together to the park that was near the school. They stayed in comfortable silence as they sat together at a bench until they broke the silence "So what album do you want to show me?" Asked Izuku as they sit on a bench together, Tomura smiled at him as he pulled his iPod out.

He handed the left earbud to Izuku as he searched for the album "Damn, by Kendrick it's his newest one and I think you'll like it" "Maybe I will"

The two sat together listening to the album stream as their fingers brushed against each other. Tomura had the intention of holding Izukus's hand but he wasn't sure if it was the right move yet, even though they'd held hands he still always felt nervous to do it first.

The cool breeze hit their faces as their hair danced with the wind, Izuku's cheeks were a light shade of pink as butterflies filled his stomach Tomura looked up at the cloudy sky slowly nudging his hand with his as he brought it closer until he finally intertwined their fingers together holding his hand. He looked at Izuku and smiled at him before looking away pretending to act like nothing was happening.

Once the last track was over I turned over to look at Izuku who was smiling, " like it?" I ask as we started walking to school "I do, it's a good album" he tells me with a smile.

As we walked to the school together hand in hand, His hands were very soft in mine and had a comforting warmth in them.

"I'm having a game today, are you going to be there?" I ask "Of course, it's my job to go and take pictures" "Well make sure to not take pictures of just me again," I say teasing him as he blushed "I don't! I swear" "Suree, I always catch you staring at me"

He pouted as I laughed " you want to go on a date with me after the game?" Izuku looked at me surprised and blushed a bright pink color "A date?" "Yeah, I've been wanting to ask you will you?" "Y-yeah! For sure" he said with a big smile on his face making me smile.




After a few hours passing by I was finally on the court. I was in position as everybody else warmed up, I looked to my right and saw Izuku walk in with his camera in his hands. "Izu!" I called him out he looked at me and smiled as he waved.

I ran over to him and was about to hug him until I stopped myself. I didn't want to be seen hugging him, many people will think of us weird if I did.. "is this where you'll be sitting at?" I ask "Yeah I will, who are you guys playing against?" "Siren, I heard they're good"

"Well so are you, good luck Tomura" I smiled at him and headed back into position as the game started. I was dribbling the ball running from my opponent's until I shot it up towards the hoop. My eyes shifted over to Izuku who held the camera up close, he looked at me and blushed as he waved.

He looked gorgeous...

"Tomura! Pay attention" Dabi shouted as he bumped his shoulder against mine. "Right...sorry" I put my hands up catching the ball he passed over to me, I looked around to see who was blocking until I decided to shoot the shot-making a three-pointer.

After a few hours of the game, it was finally over, I was exhausted the game was a tough one but thankfully we won.

I sighed sitting by Izuku who was going through the pictures he took through the game. "Which one do you like?" He asked as he showed me the ones he took of me. "Hm...I like the third one, I look cool" I say making him smile.

After grabbing our things we walked out, it was already late and I decided to walk him home. I didn't want him out on his own. As we were walking our hands were bumping making the tip of our fingers brush against each other, I glanced over seeing his pink face. I looked away as I grabbed his hand. I could see the smile on his face the whole time we walked together.

I let go of his hand once we got to his place and I looked at him for a while before grabbing him by the waist. "T-Tomura..?" I smiled at him as I stared down into his eyes, those eyes that my heart always enjoyed looking at. They were just as gorgeous as his face. I could feel myself blush as I leaned close to his face, our lips were touching and our noses bumped until I finally kissed him.

After months of thinking about it, thinking about what it's like to have his lips against mine I was finally experiencing it. And just as I expected it, they were soft.

Soft kissable lips.

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