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Izuku walked over to Tomura handing him a bag of snacks he bought "Would you like to spend the night at my place? You can stay for a while" "I guess...I've spent too much time at Dabi's place"

I stayed silent as I walked with Izuku to his place. I was tired of this, tired of moving to different people's houses just to spend a few days over at their place. I wished my father didn't hate me, I wish for once he accepted me and cared about my existence.

I looked over at Izuku seeing the bruises he had on his body, my mind went back to the words of Keigo as guilt started to flow into my body. Why can't I be better? More confident...and just not care, I hate that I can't do anything and I hate that everyone knows about my shameful secret.

Maybe my father was right, committing your love to the same gender as yours is a sin...maybe the people that are being jerks to us are our punishment. I looked at Izuku and reached out to him pulling him down, I put my arms around his small body hugging him as I rested my face on his shoulders.

He had a comforting scent that just made me feel better, it washes all my stress and worry away every time I get to hold him and take in his sweet gentle scent. His big doe eyes looked up at me as he smiled "We'll get through this together...And I'll be there for you okay? I'm not gonna run away, not anymore"

"Tomura...thank you, you're so sweet," he said kissing me. He got up and walked over to his dresser until he walked back into my arms "Here, I want you to hear this song, it's one of my favorites" I grabbed the earbud from his hand and put it on.

A soft melody started to play with the sound of the guitar strings getting played as a woman's voice sang with a perfect flow.

"I remember his hands and the way the mountains looked, the lights shot diamonds from his eyes hungry for life"

My eyes shifted to Izuku seeing that he had fallen asleep after a while. My hands went up cupping his face until I kissed the top of his head pulling him in close to my chest.

Just a few more weeks left, and one more month until we graduate...then I'll finally leave that hell hole and live the way I want with Izuku without having anyone getting in our way, trying to hurt more month...




The bell rang and I walked to the locker room getting changed into my jersey. "Look who's here, aye be careful bro he's probably going to stare at you while you change, the locker room is probably his favorite place from this school," one of the guys from the team said as he snickered with the rest.

I ignored them tying my shoelaces up. As I got up a hand grabbed my wrist pushing me against their bare chest until they pushed it away "EW GROSS! Guys Shigaraki touched me! He's gay!" The guy said as everyone looked at us.

"I-I didn't! I-" "Shut it fag, we all know you're gay, but I'm not so don't be touching me" "I never touched you I-" "Faggot!"




I set my camera and props up for the basketball team to take their pictures. The team walked in and I noticed Tomura in the corner talking to his coach, he looked so sad.

"You're the one taking our pictures?" Dabi asked as he walked over to me "Mhm, I was requested by your coach" I say "Cool, so what type of look are you going for?" "Hm...well I was thinking maybe like an intimidating type or overpowering"

"Yo Dabi! What are you doing out there with the gay? You're gonna get his disease, and turn into a gay boy too!" A guy said as everybody else laughed. Dabi sighed as he rolled his eyes "Don't mind them, they just got no life" "It's okay, it doesn't bother me"

"That's enough, you have to respect your photographer," the coach said making the team whine and groan "I don't want him to take my picture! I don't even want him to be in the same room as me" "Enough, I will take your jersey away if you don't cooperate"

The boy sighed and walked away. I spent the last few hours taking their pictures. I smiled up at Tomura as I held my camera looking at him through the lens "Hey why don't you do one of your tricks for the shot? I think it'll come out good" I said "Hm...okay"

He grabbed a ball getting into position as I had my camera ready to take the shot. And when I did I showed it to him. He stood by my side staring at the picture, " looks so cool" he said looking at me with a smile, I smiled back at him about to say something until a ball was thrown at us.

"Faggots! Get a fucking room no one wants to see you two together" I put my hand against my jaw as it was the part of my face that got hit "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I am" "I'll talk to them-" "You ain't saying shit to us, I don't care if you're the captain I ain't taking orders from a gay bitch like you, guys get over here!"

My eyes widened as they grabbed me making me panic, they held Tomura as they hit me repeatedly. I gasp feeling a hand wrap around my neck as I put my arm up hitting the guy's chest "Izuku! Leave him alone, let go!"

"Dammit I leave for one second and shit goes down," Dabi said as he started to get into a fight with the rest, I kicked my legs up kicking the guy who fell to his knees as he groaned in pain.

"T-Tomura! Wait!" I say as I run after him, he had run away once he was let go. I panted trying to catch up but gave up as I watched him disappear, I hate this...I hate these people.

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