Chapter 2 - "Afraid you'll see something you like, Miguel?"

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After their formal introductions, the group led Y/n to an elevator as she held on to Hobie's arm since the elevator functioned upside down. The group walked into the base crawling with what looked to be thousands of different variations of Spider-Man causing Hobie to gently place Y/n down not wanting to drop her too aggressively and give her the wrong idea. Inside the Spider-Base, the tension was steadily rising as the different versions of Spider-Man milled about, some conversing, others training, and a few tinkering with gadgets.

Y/n could feel the weight of their gazes on her as she entered with the group, but she maintained her composure knowing that seeing a non-Spider person there would come as a shock to them all.

As the group approached the large thick doors, Miguel's voice grew louder.

"They did what?!" The group heard through the large thick doors.

"He's mad!" Pavitr spoke turning around about to leave only for Spider-Woman to grab him by the back of his suit. "You and Hobie are taking responsibility for bringing her." She spoke shoving him back towards the door.

"He is only another Spider-Man. Get over it you guys." Y/n huffed fed up with their lack of action.

A tall, muscular Spider-Man in a futuristic blue suit with a red spider in the centre of his well-built chest stood in the centre of the room, his expression a mix of anger and concern. But the most bizarre thing to her was that he didn't have his mask on.

"What were you two thinking, bringing this woman here?" Miguel questioned as he spotted the Spider-Men standing behind the new woman.

Hobie stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation. "Miguel, we encountered her during an anomaly event. She's from a parallel universe, and we thought she might be a valuable asset to our cause."

Miguel's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Y/n, trying to figure out what her intentions were. "And what makes you think she can be trusted?" he asked, his tone still irrationally agressive.

"Why don't you ask me big guy." Y/n piped up not liking the fact the conversation was going on around her.

Sizing the woman up he approached her towering over her. Hobie took a step forward only to be pulled back by Spider-Woman shaking her head telling him to keep out of it, he brushed her hand off his jacket and walked over to Y/n and Miguel's stare down breaking the awkward and tense situation.

"I trust her. She has fought her Spider-Man and is still kicking, if she does something wrong then I will be responsible."

"Fought her Spider-Man?" He raised an eyebrow not sure how reliable an ally she would make only to have his worries diminished.

"In that multiverse, Spider-Man isn't exactly a 'good character'." Pavitr put it lightly informing Miguel of the missing information necessary.

Miguel seemed to consider her words for a moment before finally relaxing his stance slightly. "Fine, but you'll be Hobies apprentice. Any suspicious behaviour whatsoever, and you're out."

"I can live with that," She grinned her voice still distorted from her suit. "We have given you trust it is about time you've given us some."

Miguel crossed his arms cautiously watching the woman.

"Is that you demanding to see my face?" She snarkily yet confidently responded catching Miguel off guard.

He was taken aback by the woman's simple yet aggravating comment. He was praying and hoping that she was horribly disfigured or was missing half her face because he knew this odd feeling in his chest all too well but refused to believe it was real. The last thing he needed was for her to be a good-looking woman.

Torn Between These Webbed Heartstrings - Miguel O'Hara x Reader x Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now