Chapter 4 - "I'm Going With Her."

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"Are we going to address this or.."

"No, Lyla," Miguel growled in a warning tone as his muscles tensed beneath his spider suit.

She virtually sighed and tried to explain herself to the agitated man, "I am just saying Miguel, you have been looking at Y/n on the cameras since she left your sight and when you saw her without her mask your heart race inc-" 

"That is quite enough from you, Lyla." Miguel's frustration was evident as he snapped at the hologram that emerged from his watch. She pursed her lips together and simply nodded. "Fine, but don't let the fact you can't see in her room where Hobie is, get you frustrated."

Miguel's jaw clenched as he tried to push aside the thoughts that had been lingering in his mind. He knew Lyla had a way of pointing out the obvious, but he wasn't ready to acknowledge what these feelings were, not any time soon and certainly not yet.

"Lyla, drop it," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and uncertainty. He didn't want to acknowledge the fact that his heart raced when he saw Y/n for the first time, especially after seeing her gorgeous, capturing e/c eyes, or that he couldn't help but look for her on the cameras.

Lyla sighed, her holographic form appearing slightly deflated. "Alright, Miguel. I'll respect your wishes, but remember, I'm here to help you get through these things." The hologram smiled reassuringly at him.

Miguel nodded, appreciating Lyla's support even if he wasn't quite ready to delve into whatever these odd emotions were.

"I appreciate that, Lyla," he finally replied, his voice softer now. "I know you're always looking out for me, even when I don't want to deal with these things immediately." He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "But this... it's complicated. I don't even fully understand it myself."

Lyla nodded affectionately, empathising with him not used to seeing him in such a conflicted, confused state. "Feelings can be complex, Miguel. Sometimes, they defy explanation or logic. But that doesn't mean they should be ignored." Her holographic form leaned closer to him and squatted beside his head, her expression filled with compassion. "Take the time you need, but don't shut yourself off completely. You deserve happiness, too. Especially after -"

Miguel stiffened back up, walking away from Lyla, not wanting to hear the end of that sentence, as all he could remember was the pain he felt.

As Miguel walked through the corridors of the Spider-Vigilante headquarters, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his past bearing down on him. The pain he had endured had shaped him into the person he was today, but it had also left him cautious and guarded.

He entered his own room after a few hours and sorted out the mission groups for the next day.  the familiar room offered a temporary solace for him. Miguel leaned against the wall, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He didn't want to revisit the past or open himself up to the possibility of being hurt again.

He heard the laughter and giggles on the floor below him of other Spider-Men communing, but the longer he left it, the louder they got. He couldn't take it anymore and decided to go and scald them. Before he left his room, he felt his spider senses go off. He saw a small metal claw shoot up through the floor. He looked at it closely, trying to examine it only for it to get pulled back into a belt downstairs, similarly to the way a measuring tape would snap back.

Silence fell upon the two as they looked up at the hole they had created in the floor. Miguel looked down through the hole to see it wasn't just any Spider-Men that had destroyed the thick flooring in his room, there stood Y/n and Hobie frozen looking up at Miguel in fear with a bottle of wine in hand.

Torn Between These Webbed Heartstrings - Miguel O'Hara x Reader x Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now