Chapter 3 - "Not Rich, Just Smart."

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Y/n smirked, feeling a surge of confidence as she realized she was holding her own against the formidable Miguel O'Hara. She knew she couldn't let her guard down, though, as the fight wasn't over. 

 As the three minutes continued to tick away, Miguel decided to change his approach. Instead of trying to overpower her physically, he used his intelligence and agility, shooting webs to create distractions and limit her movement, blocking off certain areas she could retreat to. 

Y/n stayed focused, doing her best to manoeuvre through the web obstacles, occasionally using her suit's capabilities to her advantage. However, she knew that Miguel was testing more than just her combat skills; he was evaluating her ability to think under pressure. 

 With just a few seconds remaining, Miguel made a daring move, deciding to attack from the ceiling and aiming a web at her face. Y/n instinctively moved to counter the attack, and in that split second, she made the wrong decision. 

 She allowed Miguel's web to connect with her face, but just as he tried to pull. She grabbed the web connected to her mask, now blinded by his actions.

She began to pull on his web and so did he causing a tug of war to begin, but she wasn't strong enough she wrapped her arm around his web as she was being pulled off the floor.

"Give up, Y/n!" Miguel growled, and Y/n was shocked by how close she was to him, only then realising how high off the floor she must have been.

"Not a chance in hell!" She thundered, sending energy to her hands heating up to dangerous temperatures as a last attempt to remove his grip from her mask, but it was no use. She didn't give herself enough time to heat up her hands and burn the silk webs and instead sent a high kick towards the ceiling, managing to hit him. But he didn't budge.

He watched her hands glow as their temperature increased and decided to play dirty too and dropped her. She clattered onto the floor, and Miguel hopped down removing her mask.

"Forty seconds left, I expected -" Before he could finish his sentence, he saw her hair fall around her face, which he couldn't help but be stunned by, but she wasn't angry.

Y/n looked up at Miguel with a mischievous grin, her eyes glinting with determination. She wasn't angry about being defeated; instead, she was analyzing the situation and formulating a new plan.

"Well, Miguel, you certainly got me there," she said, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and amusement. "But don't think for a second that this is over."

She quickly rolled to her feet, her agile movements showcasing her resilience. Y/n adjusted her suit and ran her fingers through her hair, ready to face Miguel once again.

"You may have won, but next time, try to notice when someone takes off your own mask."

"What?" He touched his face, realising that she was right. She held up his mask in her hand and he stood there in shock. He knew that wasn't the objective for her, but he was trying to remember when he could have had his mask removed, no particular moment coming to mind.

The three minutes were up, and Y/n stood her ground, panting slightly but still determined, hoping that she managed to leave an impression. Miguel regarded her with a mix of annoyance and admiration. He had underestimated her, and that fact didn't sit well with him.

Miguel grumbled, rubbing his jaw where Y/n's kick had landed. He found himself drawn to Y/n's unyielding spirit and determination. He couldn't deny that there was something about her that intrigued him, even though he tried to keep his feelings at bay. 

Y/n's expression softened as she looked into Miguel's eyes, panting not breaking eye contact. She couldn't believe she had lost, and her successful attempt to take Miguels' mask did not seem to impress the man.

Torn Between These Webbed Heartstrings - Miguel O'Hara x Reader x Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now