Confusing Cravings

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    "(Y/N)!", called a voice from downstairs. I didn't hear at first because I had earbuds in and was preoccupied drawing, but it kept repeating and I took notice. I put down my things and took off downstairs.
    "(C/N), what's the matter?" Once I got to the room she was in I instinctively rushed toward her in an act of concern and care.
    "Can you get me a pizza with sausage and pineapple?"
    "Umm, can I get you anything else...?", I asked quite complexed as that isn't her usual order.
    "Some mozzarella sticks, Hershey's bars, and vanilla ice cream?" She asked me this with the most deceptively adorable smile and looked at me with soft sweet puppy dog eyes.
    Needless to say I was quite perplexed at this random list of groceries she was giving me, especially with our budget.
    "Darling are you sure? We're running low on money already?" In response to this she looked a bit hurt and looked down for a second. She gazed at me and barely audibly said...
    "...but, the birthday game." Oh no, I had totally forgotten, not her birthday, just the game we play whenever it is someone's birthday. The birthday girl can ask for things, within reason, and the other has to oblige. It's a fun little tradition we do to keep ourselves in check.
    "Oh, I'm sorry darling, I'll get them right away." I gave her a quick hug then kissed her on the hand, the forehead, and the lips. "I'll be back soon."

    After returning from the store, I went to unlock the front door with the house key but when I got to the door I hear something else. (C/N) was crying. "Sweetheart," I twisted the key into the lock and pushed on the door. "...Is everything alright." Her head was in her elbows and her body was heaving up and down. "Sweetheart sshh, I'm here, what's wrong?"
    "I...I...I don't know...", she sobbed gasping for air. "I'm sorry."
    "Sweetheart, you don't have to apologize, you're not doing anything wrong." I sat beside her and let her settle into me. I wrapped my hands around her body and kissed her while scratching behind her ear. she cried for a bit until she couldn't anymore. "Hey, are you alright?"
    "Mhm..." a sniffle came out.
    "Hey, do you want some of that food I got?"
    "Yes please, I want a part of everything in one meal." She said quickly.
    "Oh oka-," oh. No way. No way, no way. She can't. I mean I know we've been talking about it forever and she would've wanted to surprise me but there's just no way.
    "My love, is everything alright?"
    "Alright? It's more than alright. I'm... I'm. How long?"
    "Three weeks since I've known."
    "Oh (c/n) I'm so proud of you. At this part I started to tear up and she started to cry out of happiness. I kissed her all over for what seemed like ages but as always didn't feel long enough. She kissed me back and we sank into a deep long kiss and eventually, everything faded to black.

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