29; let bygones be bygones.

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10. I Am Become Death. [Part 2]

A gentle hand holding a wet cloth dabbed at her forehead. The single motion causing her to stir at the unfamiliar feeling, and her eyes fluttered open. 

Everything was hazy as she looked around, and to her utmost confusion she found herself surrounded by grey. She was in the drop ship, and judging by the layer of blankets on her, she had been sleeping in the hamper for some time. 

Her confusion was still there, especially when her eyes landed on Murphy who was the one with the damp cloth in his hands. Her stirring awake didn't cause Murphy to stop as he continued to help her. Especially when her nose started to bleed again

"Why are you helping me?"

Murphy looked at her, seeing her hazy eyes staring at him. "Call this: returning the favor."

Quinn chest heaved, coughing harshly out of nowhere. Her eyes watering up from the pain. She swallowed the lump in her throat that started to block her airways. She was still confused about Murphy, she knew that he wasn't all bad, but she knew that he still had a grudge against them. Especially, her because she banished him, and Bellamy since the older one was the one to allow him to be hanged. So, it didn't stop her from being a little suspicious. 

But, for now, she couldn't dwell on it. 

She was far beyond the realization that he could've changed for the better. That he was solely there to help them, and not destroy them. For all she knows, he could've known about the virus and agreed with it when the grounders brought the idea to him. She knew that when she was told, she tried her hardest to not allow it to happen. But it did. 

She felt the cloth move away from her forehead, and she shook her head lazily. "I thought I was a liability?" Her voice came out sore and rough, her eyes barely cutting into slits, but were half-opened from her lack of strength. She remembered back before when she was held over the fire by Murphy that he had said that about her in regards to the Ark. 

"You are more than a liability now. Trust me, I don't think I would be still alive if you weren't with me when we got here." 

An amused laugh came from her, thinking about when they got to camp. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have killed you unless they wanted to suffer the consequences of dying like Dylan." Her sudden thoughts going to the kid that died an hour or so before. "They would be clueless as to what the hell is happening on the other side of the bridge."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, they wouldn't know that we had a virus that was meant to weaken them. The grounders have an abundance of weapons and a lot of warriors. If we weren't here to tell them, they would be clueless to the fact that the grounders are the ones we should fear."

She barely looked over at him, since she was staring heatedly at the ground. 

She was still confused about him, and she was confused about Clarke as well. Why would the girl act so suspicious over her? She had trusted her enough before when she literally was her second in command, based on how the grounders run. 

"I still don't get it, Murphy. You should hate me."

"Why?" Murphy shrugged, "Because you banished me?"

She snapped her eyes up at him, and watched his face for any expressions that could be him about to attack her or something. "Exactly that."

Murphy shook his head, "You helped me get back here, so why not call that even?"

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