Chapter One

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AN; So this is going to be a fanfic with the Korean band Teen Top (in case you don't know). I'm not too sure what this story is going to end up like so I'll try my best. Now this is IMPORTANT: the main idea is that Teen Top got themselves a new member/toy. I'm planning on having the story have humor (though I suck at jokes and the likes) some romance thingies and a little bit of drama too, I guess. Normal teenage stuff. So cliche...
Anyway, I hope you'll like it. Let me know ^.^


"Kerushii~!" L.Joe's voice rung through the apartment in which all Teen Top members were currently staying at. Including their new 'toy', Kerushii, who was currently sitting inside a wardrobe with a torch and a book in her lap. She never had any peace to just sit and read a book so she always tried to hide somewhere, yet the Teen Top members seemed to always know where she was. She was running out of hiding places.

"Come out Kerushii~!" She heard Chunji's voice chime in. Great, so it was the two of them looking for her this time. 

Ignore them, just ignore them. They'll get bored and stop in a minute, Kerushii thought to herself.

"Hey Niel!" L.Joe's voice came again. "Do you know where Kersuhii is?"

Kerushii stopped reading and listened in. Niel had seen her going into the closet and she hissed at him not to say anything to which he held up his hands in a surrender gesture and laughed.

Niel's reply was in Korean but even with the limited Korean she had, Kerushii knew that Niel had just given away her hiding place.

Darn, I'm gonna have to look for another hiding place again...

Kerushii jumped at the sudden bang with which the wardrobe doors opened. She looked up to see L.Joe and Chunji standing over her with grins plastered over their faces.

"What are you doing sitting in a closet for?" L.Joe asked tilting his head to the side.

"Staying away from you." Kerushii snapped back at him before slamming her book shut.

"Awwwwooooh~!" Niel laughed from his place on the bed. She glared at him as she got out of the wardrobe.

"Don't think you're getting away with it. I told you not to tell them anything." She said and threw her torch at him which, much to her delight, hit his head. L.Joe and Chunji seemed to be enjoying this far too much. She tunred to face them.

"What do you want from me?" Kerushii asked, crossing her arms.

"You're supposed to be rehersing the dance with us, remember?" Chunji answered her.

"I don't have any peace in this place." She muttered while pouting slightly. L.Joe poked her cheek.

"You're so cute when you're annoyed." L.Joe told Kerushii.

"Well, I'm about to get really frikin' adorable." She growled. L.Joe and Chunji exchanged confused looks. "You've got five seconds."

"Dude, you better run." Niel told them from where he was lying on the bed, propped up on his elbows. L.Joe and Chunji looked from Niel to Kerushii's annoyed expression then exchanged a look.

"Should we...?" L.Joe started.

"Run?" Chunji finished.

"Yeah. You should." Kerushii answered for them. Not waiting for further invitation, L.Joe and Chunji ran for their lives.

"Aren't you going to chase them , Kerushii?" Niel asked. She looked at him.

"Nope." She answered, walking off to put on some shoes.

"Where are you gonig?" Niel's head popped from the door to his and Changjo's room.

"Away from you lot." Kerushii answered and, without further explanation, she walked out of the apartment, making sure to close the door quietly so L.Joe and Chunji won't hear her.


AN; Very short, I know, and I'm sorry (not really). I still have to figure out how to do that thing with chapters that you can just click on a bar and it shows you the chapters, if you know what I mean so that's gonna take me a while. Plus I'm away for the weekend and I shall be stuck in a hotel room with my parents with no internet connection so that's going to wreck my nerves a little. But hey, I'm gonna have at least 10 Teen Top songs to listen to so it ain't gonna be too bad.
Now, the big question; who do YOU think I should pt with Kerushii? Personally, I'd say L.Joe or Niel but that'll be because they're my bias - which reminds me that I forgot to tell you that the story will mainly involve those two guys but I'll try my best to put the rest of Teen Top in as well.
Now, sorry for such a long AN. Please, please, PLEASE, leave comments to let me know what you think of the story so far.
Keith Monaghan - in and out ! 

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