Chapter Six

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AN; This is going to be...awful...I can just feel it....yet the idea is bugging me. It's like my cat - it wants attention and won't go away until I do something about it. Also, I would have added this chapter yesterday but I was busy....DYING! IN A HOSPITAL BED! 

So yes. Please enjoy. *polite gand gesture*


This is ridiculous.

Kerushii was currently pacing in her room, playing with her fingers.

It's just....ridiculous. No. YOU'RE ridiculous, Kerushii.

Kerushii's breathing was irregular but it was nothing she couldn't manage. It was because of her wildly spinning thoughts anyway.

You're over-reacting.

Kerushii sat down at the edge of her bed, leaning her elbows on her knees.

I mean, they're just worried about you.

Kerushii stood up again. She put her hands into her pockets, then took them out again.

They have every right to be worried.

She started pacing again.

Don't they?

Kerushii stopped abruptly, her eyes on the closed door. She was sure there was at least one of the boys standing there on the other side of the door with their ear pressed up against the door in an attampt to hear what's going on inside. Kerushii looked around her room trying to find some sort of excuse to get out of this room.

The door opened suddenly, resulting in Ricky loosing(s/p?) his balance and falling backwards onto his butt. He hissed in pain before looking up to see Kerushii closing the door behind her.

"I'm going out." She announced, putting on her leather jacket. She reached out to the door handle when a muscled arm shot right in front of her, disabeling(s/p?) her from going any farther.

"Where's 'out'?" Came C.A.P's voice. Kerushii looked up at him. From the look in his eyes she knew that she had to tell him. She sighed and looked away, avoiding his gaze.

"To see my mother." She said softly. Much to her surprise, C.A.P removed his arm.

"Fair enough." He said. "I was wondering when you'd go and visit her." Kerushii nodded and opened the door. "But.." C.A.P stopped her again. "...I want you to take one of us with you."

Kerushii's head shot up at him, her eyes dripping with venom.

"And what if I want to go alone?" Kerushii asked, challenging him.

"How about this; you take Niel along with you and we won't question the little...INCIDENT in the bathroom yesterday." C.A.P said. Kerushii narrowed her eyes, shooting daggers at him. Too bad it was C.A.P who was the leader of the band.

C'mon Kerushii! Do you want to see your mother or not?? It's better to rist one person finding out rather than not being able to go at all. Use your head once in a while, would you??

"Fine." Kerushii replied through gritted teeth. Niel, who had been standing in the doorway to his room with Changjo peeking over his shoulder, looked somewhat surprised that Kerushii backed down so easily. Yet he didn't argue. He didn't say anything, in fact. He grabbed his hoodie and followed Kerushii out of the hotel room.

*           *              *

"Um...are you sure this is the right place?" Niel questioned as he got out of the taxi.

"Yes, Niel, I'm sure." Kerushii replied. Her voice wasn't annoyed. Just tired. Niel didn't ask any more questions and followed Kerushii inside the big, white building. The sign above the sliding glass doors read;

'Pine Hills Psychiatric Hospital'

Niel reasoned that Kerushii's mother worked there. After all, it was possible, right?

He followed Kerushii up to the reception desk. It was eerily quiet. A nurse or a doctor would pass by, this way and that and occasional people in white pajamas who were obviously patients. Niel stood close to Kerushii as they waited for the ginger, middle-aged, round receptionist woman to look up at them.

"Ah, Talia, it's been a while since I've seen you around here." The woman said when she finally decided to look up. Her cheeks looked like that of a hamster and they were dotted with freckles, not to mention that they were flushed red.

"I've been...busy." Kerushii replied, giving the woman a weak smile.

Niel watched Kerushii. He only realised now that he never actually knew what Kerushii's real name was. All he knew that was her mother was Spanish. There was never any mention of a father.

"Do you want me to call Doctor Parrish?" The Fat-Lady(Harry Potter reference) asked.

"No, no. Not today. I..." Kerushii swallowed. "I came to see mum."

"Ah. Righty-o." The Fat-Lady smiled cheerfully and reached for the phone. "Mr. Gailes?...Yes, hello, I have Talia Martines Rivera here with me and she says she'd like to see Raquel Martines Rivera, would that be possible?......Yes. Okay, I'll send her right over. Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye."

Niel watched the Fat-Lady with a confused expression.

"Mr. Gailes said it'll be fine." She informed Kerushii. "If you just go down that corridor and through the double doors, Mr. Gailes said he'll be waiting for you outside Raquel's room." She flashed another cheerful smile. Kerushii only nodded her head and glanced quickly at Niel before turning to go trhough the corridor the Fat-Lady had showed her.

Neither of them said anything as they walked through the double doors and towards a bald, elder man in a doctor's suit.

"Talia." He smiled. "Nice to see you." then he turned to Niel. "And who might this be?"

"It's my friend. He came here with me so I'd...feel more...confident." Kerushii said with a weak smile.

"Ah. Fair enough." The doctor smiled at Niel. "Well, Raquel is ready and waiting for you. Take all the time you need and please let me know if there's anything you might need." And with that the doctor, who Niel assumed was Mr. Gailes, walked off into a different white door.

Kerushii visibly tensed, her eyes were fixed on the slightly ajar white door in front of her. Niel put his hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked softly. Kerushii nodded and with a deep breath she opened the door.

On the sofa inside, there sat a very skinny and sickly pale woman with long, wavy and black hair that reached her waist. The woman slowly turned her head away from the book that was open in her lap and looked straight at Kerushii.

"Talia, mi hija..." She said in a barely audible voice. Niel's eyes moved to look at Kerushii.

"Mamá..." Kerushii said, her voice cracking and her eyes filling with tears.


AN; Dun dun duuuuunnn! I realised there wasn't much about Kerushii's family life so...MUAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I'm sorta like J.K Rowling, wanting all the characters to have a bad life if not kill them XD Must be a personal thing. Don't worry though, I won't kill anybody....for now 3:D. And just in case you didn't catch that; Kerushii's actual name is Talia Martines Rivero. Now for the translator - 'mi hija' means 'my daughter' and 'mama' means 'mum'. So yeah....XD

You'll find out what this whole mental-hospital-mother-daughter-no-father-thing is in the next chapter. :D I'm leaving you hanging again! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!! *hides in closed with pizza slices*

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