Day 1

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Ping. Ping. Ping.

Lyra peeled open her eyes, cursing the infernal noise of her phone. Her body felt weak and drained of anything resembling happiness. Disoriented, she reached with her left hand to push her hair out of her face and winced. Looking down, she saw blood dripping from a deep cut on her palm.

Her pulse ratcheted up, and then skyrocketed with triumph as she felt her bond to Jake, intact. Lyra also felt his shock and confusion. She snatched her phone from the rickety bedside table, causing it to wobble and spill her glass of water. This went unnoticed as her sole focus was on her phone. Ignoring the inane chatter from the group, she went directly to text Jake.

Lyra: Jake? Please answer. Are you hurt?

Jake: I am here. Why are you asking if I am hurt?

Lyra could feel the cautious surprise through the bond. She inhaled deeply, bolstering her courage. It was time to come clean.

Lyra: Because last night, you died in the Ironsplinter Mine.

Jake: What? How did you...

Lyra: I told you before that there are things you don't know about me.

Lyra: This is one of them. I am a witch.

First she sensed shock, disbelief, and denial. But her love, analytical as he was, must have re-read what she wrote, and now he was inquisitive. He struggled for a few minutes, then replied.

Jake: I do not understand.

Jake: None of this makes sense. How is this possible?

Lyra felt anxious about Jake rejecting her, but she pressed on. Might as well get it all out.

Lyra: Through magic. I performed a spell to reverse time and save you.

Jake: I...I do not know how to react to this.

Lyra waited, tensely, and then he wrote again.

Jake: Your explanation seems improbable, but at the same time, I cannot think of another reason for what happened to me. I remember going to the mine, climbing down that wretched ladder, and combing through that room full of evidence.

Jake: And then I worked on that computer until you told me the FBI was there. I was trying to leave. I smelled smoke, and then there was...nothing. Until now.

She exhaled shakily, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. At least he didn't experience any pain. She hadn't felt any through the bond, but it was a relief to receive that confirmation. She opened her eyes to find he was still writing to her.

Jake: Also, the others are writing in the group chat identically to how they did yesterday morning. Or I should say, identical to the first time we experienced this day. Please excuse my phrasing. This is entirely unfamiliar territory for me. I don't want to sound insulting, but it is difficult to believe. I need more information before I comment any further.

Jake: It seems...impossible. But everything is impossible until a person does it. Right now, I am just grateful that I am here and that you are still with me.

Jake: Also, please do not take anything that I say as a rejection of you or your beliefs. I am confused and feeling lost. Perhaps if you give me further details, I can respond more coherently.

Lyra smiled softly with understanding.

Lyra: Thank you, Jake. I appreciate that you aren't rejecting me or what I've said outright.

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