Day -25 (Part 2)

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Jake puts away his wallet and takes Lyra's hand, leading her out of the diner. "I am very eager to finish this meeting as quickly as possible. The sooner we can finish it, the sooner we will enjoy our dinner with one another."

Lyra smirks at the word "dinner," but she agrees and follows Jake out of the restaurant and back to his car. "Me, too. Did Hannah already confirm that Richy and Amy will come to meet us, too?"

When they get to the car, Jake takes Lyra gently by the shoulders instead of opening it and leans her against the passenger door. She is already leaning toward him when he cups her face and kisses her thoroughly until they are both breathless.

"I just needed that before I start driving or I would be unable to focus," Jake murmurs to her in a husky voice.

"I have no complaints," she replies.

Jake brushes his thumbs over her cheeks and then lets go with a reluctant sigh. "This trip cannot be over fast enough," he mutters, and Lyra giggles.

"So, I asked you before you accosted me-"

The corners of his mouth twitch up, and he helps her into the car. "Yes, she did confirm that they will both be coming. We should be at a safe location within no more than three hours so that we can properly speak with Richy and Amy as well."

Lyra puts on her seatbelt as Jake starts the car. She's been worrying about one last thing. "And do you plan on admitting to Hannah that you are her half-brother? I know why you didn't tell her before, but maybe now is the right time? I feel as though this information will reassure her that you want to support her no matter what."

Lyra thinks back to how the communication between these siblings ended before. But it's been a long time now, and Hannah has a boyfriend. Hopefully, she will see her family ties to Jake as a positive thing.

Jake is about to shift his car into gear when he hears her question. It makes him pause, feeling awkward. He looks over at Lyra hesitantly, but then responds. "Yes, I think now might be the best time to tell her the truth. Hopefully, she will take it well."

Lyra takes his hand in a comforting gesture. "I have a good feeling about it. Either way, I'll help you in any way that I can."

Jake smiles warmly when she takes his hand. "I know you will be there for me, just as I will be there for you."

She nods and squeezes his hand before letting go so he can start driving. They are a team now, a strong one. They each have died for the other, only to have magic resurrect them; it's a strong indication that their story together isn't over yet. They trust in and appreciate each other, and this solid foundation can get them through anything.

They sit in silence for the next few minutes as they drive down the highway, before Jake speaks up. "I just want you to know how glad I am to have you here on this journey. I know we've been through a lot together, but it just makes our connection more special to me. It's truly a blessing to have you next to me, both now and in the future."

"There is nowhere else I would rather be than by your side. Now and in the future." She echoes his sentiment with certainty, and smiles at him lovingly.

Suddenly a thought occurs to her. "You know, we never found out how or why my number was sent to Thomas from Hannah's phone. As I've never met Hannah or Richy before, I'm curious to see how they react to me. It might give us a clue about the mystery that brought me into the group and led me to you."

Jake thinks how the more they try to figure out what is going on, the more he notices major holes in the story. "That is a good point. We should definitely see how it goes when we get a chance to speak to them."

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