kekeo! 26

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"good morning y/n~!"

"ah... good morning Elio."

you greet him with a small smile as you sit down at your table. the 170cm tall male smiles down at you, taking a seat beside you as he gets uncomfortably close.

you can't help but smile awkwardly at his actions, scooting away from his as you drag your table away from him. though, he doesn't seem to take the hint as he drags his table along while getting closer to you.

"hey... y/n, how do you feel about being a stay at home wife?"

he asks, staring into your soul as his eyes show a hint of insanity. your face contorts, grimacing slightly as you process his words. what? what did he just ask you?

"...I'm an educated and smart woman. I'll be getting a job instead."

you scoff slightly, turning your head away from your friend as you doodle on your notebook. seriously, what was wrong with him these days? he used to be so adorable! you've always repeatedly told him that you wanted to be independent, not wanting to rely on a man or any other person for that matter!

and that's when it clicked to you. ah, that's right, his episode. maybe that's why he's different. does it make him a weird loser? maybe cause him to have some short term memory loss?

you pursed your lips, trying your best to ignore the male who was annoying
you. he kept on babbling about how pretty and independent you were, completely oblivious, or acting oblivious, to your obvious irritance of him. any other day and you would've taken his compliments with a smirk but today you were slightly on edge and just completely annoyed due to his stupid question.

there was just this... weird feeling that you had in your gut, telling you to be on guard. you don't know where it even came from! the whole day started out as per normal, there were no threats, Arlo didn't inform you of Elio acting out or anything lately... and sure, Elio might be a little weird but he's always been weird these past few weeks. it's practically normal now.

you let out an irritated sigh as the class grows more crowded. yet elio's annoying chatter never stopped. that was, until his twin brother came.

"mm... morning babe. and Elio, stop annoying her."

he yawned as he dragged elio's table back to where it was supposed to be. oh Arlo! he's your saviour! you looked up, staring at him with a small thankful smile as you greeted him, ignoring the way he called you 'babe'. yeah he liked you, but at least he was respectful! ...right?

he didn't do anything disrespectful in the whole two to three months you've known him, though, you weren't sure whether that face was the true him. after all, you've gotten a little intel from your best friend that he's not what he seems.

whatever, you'll give him the benefit of doubt and try to see him in a good light, for now. he's done nothing but help you out throughout this entire duration. helping you with the project, keeping you safe when his twin brother went through a weird episode... he couldn't have done all that if he wanted to just hurt you. plus you couldn't find any cameras! maybe he really is a changed guy.

yet there was a nagging feeling in your gut that told you to be more wary of him than Elio.

and that feeling only seemed to grow as the day went by. Elio and Arlo shared majority of the same classes as you and they followed you around from class to class. you did found this endearing at the start but as time went by, and you learned of their other sides, you couldn't help but feel anxious that they might do something to you.

but nothing happened so far. so you decided to just no trust your gut for now. maybe it was just a false warning, you know? you couldn't always be right.

though, that was a horrible mistake on your part.

for they were two and you were only one. easily overpowering you, they knocked you out after school and brought you to their house, keeping you tied up to a rather comfortable chair as they patiently waited for you to wake up.

and when you awoke you had a horrid surprise waiting for you. sitting in a middle of a room, there were pictures of you everywhere. the walls, ceiling, floor... it felt like a horror dream, except this was reality. and was that a shrine in the corner of the room?!

you wanted to scream but nothing came out. you could only stare in fear and disgust as the twins began a long speech that you thought was bullshit.

"y/n... y/n... y/n..! my gift sent from heaven! ah... you deserve nothing but the best! that's why... that's why you should stay with us! yes! we'll protect you! we will!"

"he's right sweetheart. we'd never do anything to hurt you. well, unless you try to escape."

he chuckles as he approaches you with a small smirk.

"god... you're adorable when you glare like that... do you know how hard you made it for me to hold myself back? you just... look so much like her."

her? who was he talking about? wait... the girl they both obsessed over?! seriously?! you were meant to be a replacement?!

you glared at him in a mixture of disgust and anger. how could they? you wouldn't have gotten this mad if they truly were obsessed and devoted to you but to be a replacement?! now that's something you couldn't tolerate. but it looks like you were wrong.

"hey... you're not a replacement. we know you're not her. she's somewhere far away after all. plus you're much more intelligent and cute."

you calmed down at his words.

"so cute. this is why I love you."

he mumbles as he ruffles your hair. he then walks back to his brother who was staring at you with the most obsessed look you've ever seen. he was biting his fingernails, trembling slightly as Arlo merely shook his head.

"idiot. don't do that, you'll scare her."

Arlo then pulls Elio out of the room, leaving you in complete darkness, left alone to your thoughts. hm... what were you supposed to do now? was there an escape? you couldn't even...

the ropes broke apart easily as you felt someone pull you into their embrace. your eyes widened as you took in her figure. wait, Kassy?!

she smirked at you, though it was slightly strained.

"let's escape bae~"

ah, you were thankful for such an amazing friend.

bye losers ― twin. yanderes x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now