kekeo! 28 (a)

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(a) - "...Arlo?"

you blink a few times, taking in the appearance of the tall male as he calmly strokes your hair. you furrow your eyebrows, trying to move only for your body to give up on you.

"...the serum is still in you. you won't be able to move your body for a while."

ah, that's right.

you frown at his words, huffing as you attempt to ignore the male who sighs and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry babe. but you were trying to escape. I can't have that."

he mumbles, crouching beside you as you lay on the floor. you grumble, trying to move your head away from his hands. how could he! you trusted him! thought he was the better of the two twins! ...only for him to be equally obsessed.

you felt betrayed, heart broken. but this was also partially your fault. even after learning of the twins true nature you still went along with them which caused all these to happen.

"...I let Kassy go."

at the mention of your best friend you immediately turned to look at him. ah... at least she's okay. she didn't deserve to get dragged into this...

"I... put Elio in the basement. it's just gonna be you and me now."

your eyes widened.

"huh? weren't you two gonna share?"

Arlo sighs, running a hand through his hair as he shakes his head.

"I don't really wanna share you sweetheart. so there was a change in plans."

you purse your lips, taking in his words. huh, so he was possessive...

"don't worry. I'm not that bad."

you didn't know whether to believe him or not. but the fact that he let Kassy, who was innocent, escape shows that he still retained some form of humanity in him.

as such, you stopped struggling, allowing the male to do as he wishes. to which he responded positively by carrying your unmoving body to a luxurious room.

you marvel at the room, impressed at how expensive it looked. Arlo chuckles, setting you down on the bed gently as he stand at the foot of the bed.

"...your friend told me that she just wanted to see you happy before she left."

Arlo confesses, staring at you before continuing.

"I shall honour her wishes and keep you content for as long as you live. for you will be my wife and I will be your husband. I only want to see you happy."

"if you wanted me to be happy you wouldn't have kidnapped me! and how did she even get in?!"

Arlo sighs and looks away.

"I am still but a desperate man. you can't blame me for being desperate over you. not when you're such a sweetheart. and she was trailing after us when we kidnapped you. I left the front door unlocked on purpose to give her a chance."

you remain quiet. oh... so that's how things were. perhaps it would be better to just give in... Arlo then opens his mouth to talk again which helps you to finalise your decision.

"don't worry, I promise to treat you right."

" better."

Arlo smirks.

"I'm a man of my word babe. don't worry, you'll be happy with me."

you yawn, stretching as the smell of eggs infiltrate your senses. ah? was he cooking breakfast?

you quickly got out of bed, walking through the gigantic house as you watch the tall male cook breakfast for the both of you. you couldn't help but smile, heart fluttering at the sight as you sneak up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you sigh into his back.

"good morning baby. did you brush your teeth yet?"

he hums, chuckling at your adorable actions as he greets you. you groan, trying to escape only for the male to turn off the stove and trap you with his arms between the table.

"I've already told you sweetheart. you need to brush your teeth upon waking up."

he mumbles as he looks down at you with a teasing smile.

"but oh well. it's a shame that I'll just have to eat without you~"

you gasp, frowning at his words. no way! he wouldn't dare do such a thing! Arlo then chuckles, his deep velvety voice resounding throughout the dining room as he carresses your head.

"so cute. don't worry. I'll wait for you."

you smile at his words.

"thanks Arlo. love ya."

"I love you too baby."

what a happy ending this is. though your freedom may be a little restricted, at least you were loved and cared for. what more could you ask for?

bye losers ― twin. yanderes x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now