Chapter 2: A trip beyond the library.

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Luna was in the library. Classes were the same, boring as usual. She was talking to the librarian, Ms. Pine.

"Does the Library have any maps?" she asked.

The librarian flinched. Luna looked over her shoulder.
Olive was pulling scrolls out, checking them then carelessly shoving them back into place.

"Y-yes, we have maps," Ms. Pine squeaked the last word. Luna turned around.

Olive was vigorously flipping through the pages of a book.
"Olive put down the book," she commanded. Olive glanced at her, dropping the book.

The book landed face down with a thud.
Ms. Pine shrieked.

"Olive, can you please wait outside?" she asked, accidentally sliding into her grandmother.

Olive nodded and walked away.

"Sorry about that," she apologized, walking towards the book.

A Guide to Royalty read the title.

She carefully flipped through the pages, being sure not to rip the paper.

The book contained detailed images and information about the queens of Deragona.

I'll read this later, she thought, gently placing the book into her basket.

"Miss Luna, please follow me," Ms. Pine said. Luna followed her to the back of the library.

Ms. Pine pushed aside a curtain of vines revealing a small cave- filled with maps.

"What do you want a map of? The Lava
Kingdom? The Solis State? The Pearl Palace? Maybe the Flora Empire? Or the Shadow ruins? Which is it?" Ms. Pine asked

"Um, all of them," she answered
"Oh, all of them? I think we've got a map of Deragona," Ms. Pine said, searching the shelves, repeatedly pulling out maps and then carefully putting them back.

Finally, she handed a map to Luna.

She was about to unravel it when Olive popped his head through the vines.

"Um... There're some dragons here. A wing of dragons, LightWing dragons. Luna, you've got to come quick," he said and left as soon as he had come.

She quickly stashed the map into her basket as she followed him into the common area.

There were about seven maybe more LightWing soldiers waiting outside.

"I am General Star. We are here to escort Miss Luna to the Lunar Palace," said the general.

"The Lunar Palace? Why?" She asked.

"Yeah! Why?" Olive piped. The general glared at him.

"The queen said so," General Star said as if it was as simple as that.

What does she want with me? She wondered.

She was about to ask her next question when...
"She's not our queen," Olive snapped.

"Olive!" She hissed, hitting his tail with hers.

"Ouch," he muttered. General Star rolled her eyes.

"Can... Can Olive come?" She asked, trying to sound like her grandmother. It kinda worked.

"No," General Star said coldly.

"Please," she begged.

"Fine. You will be flying with me and your friend will fly with those two.


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