Chapter 3: Prism's past.

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Night. The worst time of all. I won't sleep. I can't. He thought, although his eyes disagreed. Ok. Maybe a little sleep. He rested his head on his stone bed, instantly falling asleep. It wasn't long before they came, the thing that ripped him apart inside.
"I am embarrassed to call you my son," His father said.
"You're a worthless degenerate," His mother said.
"B- But I can see!" He tried, but they never cared.
Stop lying. Get those stupid fantasies out of your mind.
But- His mother slapped him.
You are a good-for-nothing waste of space. Why don't you thank us for keeping you alive? His father spat. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he rubbed where his mother had hit him. He tossed and turned, not ready to get up. Crash! He shot up, now fully awake. What was that? Intruders?
"Who are you?" His mother asked, her voice full of fear. A blow followed by a thud. Mom! He wanted to scream out to get help to be of use, but he couldn't; all he could do was listen.
"What have you done?" his father demanded. A second blow and another thud. Dad!
"Search the house." a gravelly voice said. No! Please, no!
A black dragon stopped by his room. Without hesitation, Prism hid. What felt like an hour passed before the dragon moved again, walking away. Relief filled his thoughts briefly.
"Grab the dragonet."
No! Sunflower! Take me instead! he wanted to speak, to save his sister, but he couldn't. he was petrified, terror crawling beneath his scales. No. He thought with despair, My family.


Luna had a tear rolling down her cheek while Olive looked sorry.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.


"No." Olive glanced around. "I mean, yeah."

"So, how do we stop Shadow Seeker?" Luna asked, determined.

"So, uhh... you see, I don't know," Prism said. "But the longer we stay out in the open, the more danger we're in."

"So you came all this way without a plan," Olive asked

"I have a summer house near here. We could camp out there." Prism offered

Luna agreed and spent the rest of the day travelling. By the time they arrived at the summer house, it was almost midnight. When Prism opened the door, the EarthWing duo flinched, expecting a whirlwind of dust. Instead, the villa was spotless.

"It's so clean," Luna said.

"I often come here to clear my head," Prism said, walking inside.

"Come on, let me show you to the guest rooms!"

Luna followed Prism. Olive unhappily trailed after. Olive grabbed Luna's wrist when Prism took a left.


"Why don't you trust my judgement?" Luna scolded

"I just want to protect you. You're like a little sister to me."

"Olive, that's so sweet, but I think I'm older."

"Nuh-uh! I'm taller!" Olive said, stretching his neck, making himself seem taller.

Luna laughed. "when will you stop falling for that?"

Olive sighed, hiding his gold scales again.

"If we end up dead, don't say I didn't warn you."

Luna sighed, giving up, "I need sleep."

Olive watched as Luna caught up to Prism.

Prism sat atop the roof, staring at the stars. Someday, I'll see my little sister again.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? I want to see my family again."

"Liar! I'm going to ask one more time. What on earth do you want!?"

"I want to torment Shadow Seeker. I want him to suffer the same solitude I've endured these past years. I want to put an end to Shadow Seeker."

Olive gasped. "Why do you need Luna?"

"Luna is the last of Jade's bloodline, making her the last Jadeling."

"Jadeling...?" Olive echoed.

"Oh? Did Luna not tell you?" Prism taunted, "Don't worry, I don't plan on hurting your dear friend. I want to see my sister again."

"We have a common interest: Luna. I have faith in her judgment of character. If you break that trust, I will end you," Olive threatened, his stare piercing the back of Prism's neck.

Prism shuddered. It wasn't Olive's puny threat that scared him, but Luna and the destruction that might follow the Gift of Jade would bring if she lost the ones she loved.

Joon                                                                                                                                                                                              672 words

A/N. Short chapter, I know, sorry. I ned sleeeeeep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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