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Over the past three years, so much had happened. From a huge breakup to Onika getting pregnant. After all the time, she'd finally agreed to her wife's begging. Now having a shared son, 2 years old, they felt like their family was complete.

Between their family and friends, they had busy lives. New faces and relationships filled in the empty spaces of freedom they'd had. Having to deal with their daughter as well as her friends, the two barely had any free time.

Never did they complain too much, they felt as though they loved it. Being looked at as those helpful and caring people, they did everything they could to help those in need.

"Lyric what do you mean she's not in the right position?" Onika moved around with her things, getting ready to go to work. But before she could, she was stopped by Lyric. Whining and begging.

"Her Mom put her out for smoking weed. But like, she wasn't smoking in the house."

"So her mother found out about it?"

"Yea. Now she has nowhere to go."

"So what you want me to do?"

"I mean..."

"Talk to your mother." She waved her hand in the air and found herself rushing out the house. It had been a good amount of time already and she knew she was beyond late. Something she's already been known for.

Lyric huffed, building the courage to go ask her mother the question she'd asked her other. She knew it wouldn't be an issue, but also knew how her mothers were. They always gave a hard time before giving the answer they would go with from the beginning.

Heading upstairs, she barged in her mothers room, not caring to knock. It didn't surprise Lyric to see her sleeping, so she slid in bed with her.

Beyoncé could feel the presence of her daughter but didn't want to get up. After working until almost midnight, her sleep was catching up to her. The first thing she wanted was to sleep in.

"Mommy." Lyric used the name she knew would get her something. But Beyoncé wasn't trying to hear it. She did her best to ignore the calls for her, finding herself going into another wave of sleep.

Until a heavy weight was on top of her. She huffed opening her eyes and mushing the new adult off of her.

"What Lyric?"

"What a way to greet your oldest child."

"Cause I know you want something. I'm trynna sleep and you wanna bother me. What is it?"

A sigh came from the young girl and she put a look on her face. At that moment, Beyoncé felt like she should've just stayed asleep.

"So....you know Kameron."

"Your friend?"


"What about her Lyric?"


"No. Whatever it is, no." Beyoncé pulled the covers over her face and tried to ignore her child. But Lyric went low and started to cry. It made her mother feel guilty and she knew that. "Lyric Celest. Get out of my room!"

"Ma it's not fair!"

"What's not fucking fair Lyric? What's not fair, that you sitting here crying while i'm trynna sleep?"

"Her mom put her out, and she doesn't have anywhere to go. I asked Momma but she said to ask you because she was running late."

"So what exactly are you asking me? Because you've yet to give me a question."

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