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"lyric why?" i huffed feeling her long ass legs on me. i'm not her girlfriend, i don't know why she's up on me like this. my short ass is not made for this. i'll understand if it was beyonce she laid on like this.

"stop moving ma."

"ok well ya crushing me." i mumbled trying to get myself comfortable. crazy i gotta do this for my own bed. as i went to turn i hit someone else making me groan. what the fuck? "rumi."


"move over."

"but i'm comfortable mommy." she whimpered snuggling more under my back. oh hell no. i love them and all but i can't do this. i'm not even on the mattress completely. half of me is on rumi.

i sat up causing lyric to roll over and groan then rumi did the same. probably from the warmth of my body leaving. they need to get their asses up. i get it they miss me but damn.

"why can't we lay with you? mommy let us when you were gone."

"rumi let me get comfortable and then y'all can get back. come on lyric, sit up."

they let me lay down first before getting close to me again. i sighed as we were all in good comfort and able to sleep. they'll come get comfortable on me without me even being okay. as long as their on me, that's all they care about.

"mommy." i heard kyris voice and my eyes opened looking at the ceiling. my goodness.

"come on big boy."

he crawled up the bed, i felt the cover tug. when he laid on the little piece of me that wasn't full of child, i sighed. as long as they're fine, right? it made me chuckle just thinking about how i looked. probably like i couldn't breathe.

they better enjoy this because never again.

"come on guys, we gotta let momma sleep."

"but i want mommmyyy." that's kyri. just gotta throw a fit over me. i opened my eyes to see him throwing his body back in lyrics arms. she was trying so hard, poor her.

"you can leave him ric."

"but we've been on you all night. he can come with me."

who am i to protest? i rolled over as she left out with him. i'm tired anyways i just wanna sleep in a big bed alone. beys not here obviously. either that or she's downstairs about to make breakfast.

it'll be nice to wake up to some food. warm food. but something tells me that she's not even here. maybe. who knows?

i couldn't sleep anymore though. it's the absence of another person in bed with me. no matter how much i get annoyed by it i actually enjoy when they're sleeping with me. that's until they get to moving hella. plus beys side was cold, i couldn't deal with that.

rolling on my back i sighed before getting up. my back popped as i stretched causing me to groan. man i'm getting old. it's ridiculous.

i brushed my teeth, washed my face then grabbed my robe. those kids were starting their noise already. as soon as i stepped out the room i kicked a toy.

all i could do was shake my head. damn.

"kyri no!"

aw boy. i avoided that and went downstairs. no telling what he's doing, i want no parts. the smell of breakfast invaded my soul. yes. big mama is still home. i swear i would've had an attitude if she wasn't because she told me nothing about leaving. baby know better.


"mm?" i hummed walking up to her. she popped a piece of fruit in my mouth before kissing me. that bed head of hers is the cutest she could ever look. i'd rather wake up to this than anything else. besides that ass and those titties. i'll rather those in my face every time.

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