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i hate having to make an appearance at these fashion shows. it be so pointless because i don't even really pay attention. nine times out of ten i've seen it already since i work with these people sometimes.

they just send me invitations and make it known that im really wanted there. so i show up.

i'm getting my hair and makeup done right now, preparing to go. i love getting ready at home because i have distractions. my kids don't leave me alone for shit. i have two bonus kids as well so that makes it worse.

i just claim kameron and myrical as mine because they act like im their mother. literally nag me and everything just like my kids do. it doesn't bother me too much unless they just start getting annoying. not that they give a damn.

they even call me ma.

i'm almost done, just getting my makeup done. beyoncé has been sitting down here with me since lauren is here. she trusts me but she doesn't trust her. so it's whatever. even though i'm still slightly upset with her.

she's yet to find that ring and i don't know if she's even putting an effort into looking for it. it pisses me off more and more when i look at her hand and it's not there.

but i'm learning to control myself. i'm definitely getting better because lord knows i could've turned up on her ass! but...it's in the past, we're moving forward.

"oh my fucking gosh what are you doing? what's taking so long?" i huffed talking to lauren. this shit is getting annoying sitting here. they know i don't like sitting for too long. my hair is finished she need to move quicker.


"move, i can put my own lip gloss on." i mumbled mushing her away and standing from the chair. doing too much. i'm ready to damn go. having lauren around is like having an annoying sister.

beyoncé followed me upstairs to the room where i started to get dressed. i picked my own stuff out because khalil couldn't make it. it may be crazy for me to have a stylist but it's really needed. i can't always dress myself. that's boring.

"hold my hair bey."

i fixed my clothes as she held it before having her let go. after applying my lip gloss i put my heels on and got my stuff together to leave. i'm late for the carpet, always. but the show doesn't start for another hour. we just have to do appearances.

"the driver is outside." bey helped me. i nodded going down. she could've came with me but she has rehearsals today. huge eye role. "i love you and be safe."

"i love you too. get them out my house." i referred to the ones in my basement. she chuckled mushing me and i went to the truck. the place is so far away from my home i didn't even wanna drive.

i'll be meeting my team there. security and stuff.

hate this.

"nicki! nicki look this way! nicki!"

i stepped out of the truck to so many flashes. it blinded me. my security held my hand to lead me through as everyone yelled my way. along the carpet i stopped for pictures. posing before continuing.

i'm not stopping for any interviews because they like to twist those. always asking questions that don't mean a thing. but i know there's one interviewer that i won't be able to to pass up.

he's a really good friend but his questions piss me off. if i could punch him down i would. it's his job though so i can't be too mad. but still..

fuck him.

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