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i got out the bed slowly. it's 5am and i have to get ready to go to rehearsal for the show. i'm honestly nervous but at the same time i'm not. only reason i'm so shaky is because of the scenes. it starts off intense like that.

he sent the lines with us last week so i'd been going over them since. the very first scene is a sex scene. so i just know onika is gonna be pissed that it comes in so strong.

a part of me wants to say that i'm excited but then i think about the way onika feels about it. that just throws it all out the window. of course i still have some thrill but i just can't be so happy knowing she's not.

but she did agree to be cordial with the situation. so that's a step. everyone knows that onika wont be cordial in much. she's an asshole sometimes. i know this won't be too easy for us.

"why you moving in slow motion?" i heard her grumble and jumped looking back. she was watching me while on her stomach, looking at me sideways. a huge sigh left me as i stopped my journey to the bathroom. "you trynna sneak off?"

"no baby....i have to go to rehearsal. we have to be there by 7."

"mm." was all she replied with and closed her eyes back. i huffed going in the bathroom to do my business. things like this...

i want her to be happy. like i understand why she's upset but i want her to understand why i didn't tell her so soon. kelly even told me to wait on telling her. all of us know how onika is. she's like a ticking bomb that stays ready every second of the day. so when something sets her off, there's no time for more ticking.

she just explodes.

and she didn't explode the day i told her which made me happy. she actually did something new and apologized to me even though i was wrong. it shook me completely.

i was prepared to be ignored for at least two days. that's why i ignored her like that after she did say sorry. but when i realized it, she was already in that office on that ipad.

it made me sad that she locked herself away like that. plus i was leaving and i needed a kiss before going out that door. it's only right.

"scoot over." i looked up from my hand as i brushed my teeth. onika had came in the bathroom as well and grabbed her toothbrush. she didn't say anything else, just started to get ready as well.

we even took a shower together without saying anything to one another. it was calming. she washed my back i washed hers. i could tell she was hella tired still.

she stayed up all night with the kids because they're sick. i'm not sure how rumi and kyri both got a cold at the same time. the two that will cry a river for onika.

so she kept them company until they fell asleep. kyri was on me for a good couple hours but once he noticed onika had rumi it was over with.

we're now getting dressed and she was putting on a suit while i just threw on a sweat suit. it's like the roles reversed. she used to be putting sweat suits on to take pictures while i got all fancy.

"where you goin?" i put my shoes on then watched her as she fluffed her hair up.

"i have a meeting with fendi."

"the brand?" i looked confused. she does know a guy named fendi so i had to be sure. but i'm almost positive that she's talking about the brand. her and the guy fendi haven't been on talking terms in a minute.


"ok. i'll call your mom to get the kids if that's fine."

"no they're going with me. lyric is getting them ready now. she insisted."

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