The party🎉

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I freeze for a few seconds as i see maya's comment on my post before freaking out,i was jumping and squeaking infront of noah's trailer, in the meanwhile he opened the trailer door and i didnt notice,he stared at me for a few seconds before saying:: "what are you doing?" He giggles as he talks,i immediately stop as i see him and put my hands behind my back,he then comes up to me and looks at me up and down "damn girl,masc outfit?" I nod and show off my outfit "mind telling me why you were jumping up and down?" He asked, "did you see the photo of my outfit?" He nods, "well maya commented 'damn' like" i squeak and jump again "so?" He asks confused "what so? She likes my outfit!" I look at him with the biggest smile on my face before he realizes "you like her?like like her?" He asks and i nod before we both jump up and down together before bursting out laughing,we walked off together to the bar and right as i enter i see natalia approaching me "Ash you look stunning!im 100% sure maya will love your outfit,also im liking the suit with nothing under" natalia giggles and i follow her "yeah,i thought why not?oh and did charlie like the dress i picked for you??" I say raising my eyebrows and natalia nods "lets go! Im the best friend you'll ever find" natalia giggles again before we walk off to the counter and we order two cocktails,natalia sat down and i was standing up,drinking our cocktails and talking together,before i know i feel a pair of hands on my waist moving me on the side "excuse me,beautiful" i turn around and i see maya moving me to get her cocktail,my cheeks turn bright red as i realize maya touched my waist and called me beautiful,natalia looked at us with her jaw on the floor, maya was wearing a long golden dress,she was stunning and beautiful:: "mh?are you gonna keep staring?" Maya asks in a teasing way as she still holds my waist with one of her hands,i realize i was staring into her eyes the whole time,i snap back to reality and talk "o-oh sorry" maya giggles "its alright" maya now looks at me into the eyes,natalia also left giving us some privacy, we stare into each other eye's for a few seconds before maya lets go of my waist:: "stunning outfit by the way" she says,looking at me up and down,i could see her blush a bit "t-thanks you look stunning too!" I smile as she smiles back and once again touches my waist to lead me to the others.

Nothing really happened that night,but i was screaming into my bed, maya touched my waist,i kept repeating into my head, i couldnt sleep well but i had to get some rest since tomorrow we start filming season 5.


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