A little about my Oc and the book

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Animals because they love her, 

Mushrooms just because,

Crocheting because it's peaceful,

Reading because it takes her into a different reality,

Winter because she can crawl up beside the fire and drink hot cocoa,

Strongly dislikes: 

Children because they don't like her even if she's nice,

Mint because they give her rashes,

Biking because she never learned how, 

Throwing games because she doesn't have good hand-eye coordination, 

Summer because it's too hot,

Bad habits:

She covers her face when she's embarrassed or laughing,

She says sorry all the time,

She secretly smokes when she's stressed,

She chews her lip without realizing,

Quick description: 

Alexi Harr is a very non-confrontational person; she doesn't like to fight with people or hold long grudges. Most of her friends think she's too much of a pushover because she rarely stands up for herself. She's an overthinker and doesn't like new or stressful situations that she's never been in before. Her social life is alright, she has a couple of friends that she's comfortable enough to be herself around and she has a very flirty friendship with some of her friends, but only in a platonic way. She is pansexual and polyamorous; she is alright with open relationships but prefers closed relationships with one or more people that she and her lover know. 

🍋= Smut

⚠️=  Self-harm/suicide

☁️= Fluff/Something cute

🍄= Drug use/mention

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