(Brook x Reader) 🍋Bones🍋

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An Osteologist is someone who studies bones and the human body...

You see, I'm an Osteologist. I absolutely love bones. My room is covered with different animal skulls and bones. My dream is to find and collect a skull from every animal or being that I know of. As I collect more and more different species of bones, I can research, discover, and make new medicines, vaccines, and cures. 

I adore Full Skeleton even more! So you can imagine my excitement when Luffy randomly shows up one day with a walking, talking skeleton by the name of Brook. Since that day, I've been hanging around the pervy skeleton, trying to get a better look at his bones. I've never been around a skeleton this old before, and I'm dying to get a closer look at how healthy and stable his bones still are.

Warm rays of sun hit my exposed skin, tanning and warming my front. The sound of a book's page being flipped, the waves crashing against the Sunny, and the quiet yells of joy from my Captain send my mind and body into another world of relaxation. 

These types of days are my favorite, everything is calm, the sun is shining, and my closest friends are around me. I turn over on my sunbathing chair and hide my face in my arms. Eventually, I turn my head to the side and look at Robin sitting in her chair, reading a book.

"Is it good?" She turns her head to me.

"The book," I gesture with my head.

"Oh, yes. It's quite fascinating. Thank you for letting me borrow it." She dives head-first back into my book, her eyes quickly scanning down the page before moving to the other one. I don't understand how she can read so fast and still absorb all the information.

"I can see why you became an osteologist now." A quick smile crosses my face before I hide my head back in my arms.

Familiar snores from the crow's nest make me smile, Zoro's doing great watching out for the ship.

"NAMI, Y/N, ROBIN! I MADE THIS SMOOTHY FOR YOU~" Sanji's love-sick voice makes me sit up, I laugh as I watch Sanji wiggle his way over to me and Robin before kneeling and offering us each a smoothy

The cold sweetness of the mango smoothy hits my tongue as my taste buds explode. Just like every meal Sanji makes, it tastes delicious. 

"Thank you, Sanji," Robin praises as he walks away to find the orange-haired navigator.

"YOHOHO!" Brook's booming voice echoes around the ship as he walks out of the dining room and takes a seat beside Robin. He places his walking stick down and turns to me.

"May I be able to see your panties?" His voice was asking hopeful as the last time he asked.

"Brook... I'm wearing a bikini, and I would classify them as panties." I watch as blood squirts out of the space where his nose is supposed to be.

The cool breeze blows my hair behind me as I sit on the edge of the railing. My legs swing as I watch the beautiful dark blue, orange, and red hues merge into one beautiful blur. A quiet opening and closing of a door alerts me that someone is coming. I recognize the clack of shoes and a cane. Brook approaches me and softly sits down beside me, careful not to disturb the peacefulness of the environment. No words are said as we both sit and watch as the bright red and oranges turn into dark purple and blue. Finally, when all the bright colors have faded, I turn my head to Brook.

"You know, I find you very fascinating." He turns his head to me.

"YOHOHO, is that so?" A large smile appears on his face as he turns back to the night sky.
"Brook, can I have a closer look at your bones?" He whips his head around to me in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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