(Young!Shanks x Alexi) 🍄Magic Mushies☁️

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"AHH ShAnKs, stOp huGGing Me!" Alexi laughs as Shanks forces Buggy into a hug, Buggy whines and tries to push the clingy Shanks off to no avail.

"LEXI, hElP me!" Buggy reaches his hand out towards Alexi in desperation only to be laughed at more by the bubbly girl.

"Don't think you're getting away!" Alexi's face instantly drops as Shanks launches himself at the girl making her scream as they both sink to the floor like the Titanic.

"Ugh, I swear Shanks is touch-deprived or something." Both of the teens laugh.

"Yeah, he does like to hug... a lot." Alexi and Buggy walk along the deck of the Oro Jackson laughing and conversing. While they walk, Alexi notices a patch of small brown mushrooms growing out of the wood at the bottom of the Oro Jackson's handrail. This catches the girl's attention so she gives Buggy a tap on his shoulder and points at the patch of mushrooms.

"What are these?" Buggy bends down to have a closer look at the small fungi.

"Their mushrooms." Alexi deadpans as she too crouches down to look at the patch.

"Yeah, I know that." The boy reaches out to pick one but Alexi stops him.

"They could be poisonous, dummy. Hold on." She turns away from Buggy and pulls out a small book from one of her jacket pockets before turning back around and flipping through the pages.

"Aha! These are..." She pauses for a second.

"Grab one and look under it." Buggy does as she says picks one, and brings it closer to his face.

"Does it have this black powdery stuff underneath it?" She cocks a brow at Buggy. He flips it upside down and touches it underneath; A black powder dusts his finger.


"Then it looks like it's a Liberty cap!" Buggy looks at her in confusion.

"The fuck is a Liberty cap?"

"A Liberty cap is a more common type of mushroom that has psilocybin in it, psilocybin is a type of edible chemical that causes hallucinations and a change of moods. So basically, it's a drug." Alexi looks down at the mushroom with curiosity. 

"Should we?" Buggy looks at her with a mischievous smile while she looks taken aback.

"I don't... know. I mean..." She takes one look at Buggy and knows he's going to eat one anyway, but what about her? This might be one of the only chances she gets to try a shroom, she might as well have one with a close friend.

"Fine. Let's have one each." A laugh comes out of Buggy before he chucks the shroom in his mouth. Quickly, Alexi picks the tallest one off the handrail and shoves it into her mouth. They both chew for a little before swallowing. Buggy swallows with a disgusted look on his face and Alexi swallows with a neutral face. Silence takes over the teens as they sit and wait for the effects to take place. 

The two pirates sit around for ten minutes before they start to feel the shrooms kicking in. 

"Fuck, Lex... I feel weird." Buggy looks at the motionless girl. He notices her pupils dilate more as she turns and looks at him.

"Yeah, same..." They both giggle a bit before using each other as support to stand up. As Alexi finally stands up straight, a wave of calmness hits her. Moving walls and shifting floors make her stumble a bit as she completely forgets about one of her best friends; Buggy, and starts walking towards the top deck. Buggy, on the other hand, watches her walk away and laughs a bit before turning around and shuffling off in the opposite direction, figuring that she'll be alright by herself.

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