(Hobie x reader) 🍋A night visit🍋

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I sit there on my bed, my feet crossed, and my body hunched over to draw in my book. I've been drawing a lot more of Hobie lately, he's my friend of 4 years but I've liked him for longer than that.

I knock draws me away from my drawing, I look at my window to find Hobie couching outside my window holding his side. He is wearing his spider suit, but I'm not surprised, I've had a suspicion that Hobie was the famous spider-punk for a while now. His suit if ripped and torn all over and he's bleeding.

I stand up and walk over to my window, I open the window letting the messed-up boy in.

"What did you do this time?" I ask as Hobie hopes in.

"Oh, I'm just peachy, thanks for asking you geezer!" He says jokily.

"You don't look it" I close the window and look him up and down. Half of his chest is showing and most of his suit is ripped, including his mask.

"Well, I'm not in the best shape right now, but I'm fine" he looks at himself in my bedroom mirror.

"Wow, I got myself into quiet a pickle!" He says with dramatic flair. He lets go of his side revealing a nasty looking bite, it doesn't look like a spider bite. It looks like a bad dog bite. I laugh a bit until I see the bite on his side, I walk over to him and crouch down a bit to inspect the bite.

"What's this?" I say pointing at the bite. I look up at his face, he avoids eye contact.

"Don't know, you know where some bandages are?" he says.

"Yeah... I'll get them for you" I stand back up and walk towards my ensuite. The cupboard doors slam as I walk out with a first aid kit. I look around to find him sitting on my bed, when he sees me come in, he starts to take off his half-ripped spider-suit. He stops and lets the top of his suit fall to his hips, the spider-suit now only covering his bottom half leaving his top half uncovered. I blush a little and walk over to him.

"Here" I pass him some bandages out of the kit.

"You need help with putting them on?" I ask.

"Nah, I should be fine" he says as he starts to wrap them around his torso and arms. I hand him more bandages but as I do our hands touch. Damn he's freezing.

"you're so cold!" I say as I hold his hand and feel up his arm to feel how much of him was cold.

"I am?" he says as he looks down at me holding his arm.

"I have been outside for a while, Mabe that's why" His face gets a little red, he looks away and continues wrapping himself up.

"Yeah, you seem quiet... beaten. You can stay here for the night if you want" I say as he finishes up.

"I probably should" he says as he pulls off the top of his spider suit.

"So... what happened?" I look at his bruised face.

"Just ran into some bad people" he looks down at his ripped-up suit.

"So... your spider punk, eh? I kinda knew but this just confirms my suspicions." I smile a bit.

"Yea, ya caught me. Don't think it was that obvious!" he looks at me.

"Was it?"

"Well... it was. I knew because as soon as an evil dude shows up, you disappear and all the street riots where a dead giveaway."

"Huh." he stands up and stretches. Most of his spider suit is ripped at the front so I get a good view of his abs before I look away blushing. I pull out my phone, internally screaming for blushing.

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