(Cowboy x Alexi/Lex) 🍋A little lesson🍋

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I walk into my house after a long day of work, I kick off my cowboy boots and set my hat down on my marble counter. -nock, nock-

"Come in!" I yell as I walk into my kitchen.

"Hey Lex" he says as he also walks into the kitchen. I open the fridge doors, in search for some food to cook for dinner. A pair of arms wrap around my waist as my cowboy leans his full weight on me while nestling his head into my neck.

"Hello." I say patting his head.

"Hm" he hums. I feel his arms shift up closer and closer to my boobs. He unravels his arms and moves his hands up even more.

I turn around and look at him, his eyes are full of lust.

"Someone's... exited to see me" I say as I kiss him on his cheek. My hands reach up and hold both sides of his face before I kiss the corner of his mouth.

"I've been workin all day, but you're the only thing I was thinkin bout" he says.

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows and kiss him on his lips. My hands remain on the sides of his cheeks as we start making out. He starts pushing me up against the countertop, I jump and sit on the marble top as we continue. Just then a thought pops into my mind.

I wonder if he's kinky? I know I am.

I stop kissing him.

"Hey, how do you feel about being tied up?" I ask. He looks at me with surprise.

"Bein tied up? I ain't done anything like that before" he says.

"Would, you like to try it?" I ask him.

"Um... sure" he says with uncertainty.

"Ok, if we do I think we should have a safe word, it's basically a word that tells me or you to stop and release or let them rest." I speak. He looks at me and smiles a little.

"Ok, I think I understand" he says with his slight southern accent.

"Come here. Think of the safe word while I get you set up." I hop off the counter and walk to the couch before pushing him down onto the soft leather.

"Yes ma'am" he says with a smirk on his face. I don't say anything as I unbuckle my belt.

"Whatcha doin with that?" he asks. I can tell he's curious about what I'm doing.

"So, I'm going to take the lead this time... ok?" I look into his eyes.

"Alright darlin. I trust ya"

"Lean forwards" I kneel on the couch beside him as he leans forward.

"Hands" He follows my instructions and gives me his hands, I place them behind his back and tie my belt around his hands. Not too tight to be Un comfy but just enough tightens to keep him from slipping out.

I stand back up letting my cowboy lean back again, onto his hands. All I see is a slight smirk on his face. I start to take my shirt off making him whistle at me.

I grab the ends on my shirt and start to tie it around his eyes, using it as a blind fold.

"What are yo-"

"Shhh, what's the safe word?" I whisper in his ear.

"I was thinkin somethin like... Break. Just somethin easy to remember."

"Yeah, that sound good" I step away from him and admire his features. I hear his heavy breathing, he's waiting for something to happen, waiting for me. I walk over to him and undo his grey plaid shirt all the way revealing his toned body, I smirk to myself.

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