(Mahito x Reader) 🍋Shape-shifter🍋

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Loud chattering replays around me, a circle of people crowd around watching as I tap my heels onto the pavement while my hands and body move to the beat of the music playing. This is just how I live.

Entertaining people with my dancing always brings me joy and brightens up my day. Luckly for me, that's my job. I'm a street dancer. My pay is alright because of the business of the city I live in, and I get to meet all different types of people, some good and some bad.

The song ends and I take a pose, my chest heaving softly as everyone around me claps. Some coins fall into my cup along with a couple bills.

'Looks like I'll be able to pay rent this month.'

"Thank you!" I bow down and smile.

I walk out onto the busy street, settling outside a shop. I set up my music before starting to dance and sway. A small crowd around me slowly turns into a big one as I play and dance to more songs.

Just as the end of the song comes, a blue-haired man walks past. Normally I wouldn't pay attention to the people around me, but this man seemed... different. Maybe it's because of his long blue hair, the stitches across his face and body, or the fact that everyone is ignoring him, but I feel something pull inside of me when I look at him.

'Weird'  I continue my dance, trying to ignore the man but it starts to get hard as I see him stop and watch me.

After that day, the strange man has become a regular. Coming to almost every performance and watching me, but always disappearing right before the end. Until today...

I finish off a tiring performance, with loud cheers from the crowd. I start to pack away my stuff once the crowd starts to thin. After packing up I walk into a small alley and lean against the wall, counting my money.

"50, 55, 60, 70, 90-" My quiet counting stops as I notice the mystery man leaning on the opposite wall.

'When did he get here?' I don't let my confusion show as I tilt my head up.

"You're the regular?" I ask while looking back down at the money in my hands.

"You could say that!" His voice sounds excited.

"But yet I've never seen you tip" I chuckle a little as I wave my notes.

"Yeah, sorry about that... Here." He hands me nine thousand dollars in notes making my mouth hang open.

"Thanks, mystery man!" I say, my voice imitating his excited one. I add the money to my stack with a big smile before looking back at him only to find him gone.


After that day, the man still came to watch me but after almost every show he would somehow find me and hand me five thousand to 10 thousand dollars. Now I'm very thankful for the money, but I can't help but wonder how he got it. I mean it's not impossible, but he just doesn't... look that rich.

fast forward another month and me and this strange man have become quite equipped with each other. He's started showing up whenever I'm alone and keeping me company, which is nice. I've also learned some things about him like his name; Mahito.

I sit in my small apartment, on the couch watching anime on my laptop with a fluffy blanket and a squish Mellow.

"What are you watching?" A cheerful voice pops up behind me making me jump.

"FUCK... Jesus Christ Mahito, don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry, Y/n" The blue-haired man jumps over the back of my couch and plonks himself beside me.

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