22. You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess

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I had my arms around his neck and his ones were around my waist. I was sitting on his lap, and my hands were playing with his hair while my lips touched his warm ones. We were alone in our room, and he asked me for help in science, but from a tutoring session it ended up being a make-out one. Not that I had a problem with that, but we still needed to study! I pulled away trying to catch my breath, and he looked at me with a smirk before his lips touched my neck

Y/n: We need to study

I said and Minho smiled at me 

Minho: It can wait, love

He said, touching my lips before kissing me again. I pulled away when I heard the door open. Q made a disgusted look and covered his eyes 

Q: Seriously, I preferred it when you guys hated each other 

He said and Minho looked at him annoyed 

Minho: What do you want?

He asked, and I left from his lap, sitting next to him

Q: I am here to remind you that we are leaving in half an hour 

He said going towards the door and I nodded 

Q: Next time put a note at the door or at least a sock 

He said, laughing, and Minho threw his pillow at him, but he missed it by closing the door.

Y/n: I should get going, I need to pack 

I said with a smile, but he took my arm, pulling me into a hug 

Minho: I am going to miss you these two days

He said and I laughed 

Y/n: It is only two days, not a century

I said, and he sighed before letting me go. He sat at his bed and I kissed his forehead before I went towards the door 

Minho: If I were you, then I would cover the hickeys in my neck, love!

He said with a laugh and I smiled

Minho: But I wouldn't mind you keeping it! It is something to keep the other guys away

He said with a smirk, and I smiled. Yeah, and then my brother could shoot him

Since Minho and I started dating, Madison had made all the girls at the school against me. But to say the truth, I just couldn't care less. Because my grades were perfect, I had friends and I also had a boyfriend, so everything right now was just AMAZING! To say the truth not all the girls because there were some who absolutely hated Madison and suddenly decided to be friends with me. But I was happy, and it was all that mattered right now.

We were getting ready to go on a camping trip for the weekend with the school, and we were sitting waiting for Minho to come. I was sitting next to Kitty on the sofa when Minho exited his room with the suitcase, and I tried not to laugh at my sister's comment 

Kitty: Dude, the class trip is camping. In tents...in nature for two days 

She said, and Minho looked at her with the are-you-seriously-look

Minho: I know. That is why I packed light 

He said and my sister laughed 

Kitty: You call that light?

She said and Minho looked at me 

Minho: Won't you support your boyfriend in this argument?

He said, and I smiled before standing up going to him, and kissing him 

Y/n: I am not going against either of you 

I said, and he put his arm around my waist. Q entered the room 

Q: I am going to miss the days you guys wanted to kill each other 

He said and Kitty nodded in agreement

Kitty: Yeah, he stole my sister, and now I have no one to go against him 

She said disappointed and Minho smiled proudly before he kissed my head and leave the room 

Y/n: What is going on between you and Dae?

I asked, sitting on the couch

Kitty: We need to deal with our baggage, but we just keep making out 

She said, and I smiled because it wasn't different between Minho and me. He asked for my help in Science in the morning and at the end, we didn't even open the Science book

Q: What! Do you mean a straight man doesn't talk about his feeling?

Q asked surprised and Kitty nodded

Kitty: He always talked about his feelings when we were long-distance. But it feels different in person. He is less communicative 

She said and Q turned to me 

Q: What about you Y/n?

He said that when Minho entered the room again 

Minho: Hello beautiful 

He said, kissing me and sitting next to me. Q just smiled!

Q: Yeah, my question was just answered!

He said, and I laughed. We went to the bus and Minho and I sat together. He slept on me while I was reading a book and in the middle of the trip, my sister came to our seats 

Kitty: Minho! Stand up and go sit with our brother. I need to talk to Y/n

She said and Minho scoffed 

Minho: No way, you will share a room at least. Let us spend our last moments together 

He said, and my sister rolled her eyes 

Kitty: You have three seconds 

She said, and Minho sighed before standing up from me and going to sit with Alex. Kitty immediately sat next to me 

Y/n: What happened?

I asked, and she showed me, nodding her head towards someone. I saw Dae sitting with Yuri 

Y/n: So? You were the one who didn't want to sit with him

I said and she nodded, looking at the floor 

Kitty: Yeah I know, but I feel something is wrong 

She said and I looked at her confused 

Y/n: What do you mean?

I said, and she looked at me, not knowing how to explain it 

Kitty: With him and Yuri! Idk something doesn't make sense to me

She said and I put my hand on her shoulder 

Y/n: Everything is fine! You overthink it too much. Just enjoy the moment 

I said, and she nodded before she put her head on my lap. The place that Minho was at a couple of minutes ago

Kitty: Just because you and Minho are dating doesn't mean he can have you all his! You are my twin and I am your little sister 

She said, and I smiled. I was three minutes older than Kitty, which made me her big sister according to her. It was the only thing we never fought about 

Minho: HEY!

He said from the seats next to us, and Kitty showed her middle finger. I just laughed not getting involved in their argument

Hello everyone,

I am literally listening to "Love story" by Taylor Swift while writing this part! I am definitely in my fearless era right now! Question of the day:Which is your favourite Taylor Swift song? I hope you all have an amazing day or night💖💖💖



With Love, Covey || XO, KittyWhere stories live. Discover now