25.Ocean Park

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The next day I was walking with Olympe to find the rest of our classmates when I noticed from afar Kitty talking with Dae and from her face, I just knew that something was off. We went towards her and I asked her if something happened and the only thing she did was nod negatively disagreeing with my question and walk away. I would have run to her and asked more questions because I knew she was lying, but then I heard Alex yelling from afar 

Alex: Everyone, gather around! Let's go 

He said, and we all went next to him. I sat with Olympe at a huge rock and I waved at Minho from afar. He smiled at me and went next to Dae! Was everyone in a mood today, or it was just me?

Alex: Today, our job is to get this garden to look as beautiful as it was before the flood. As a reward, you will get the priceless knowledge that you have helped heal the community 

He said, and Q smiled. What an awesome reward! Yeah, I am being sarcastic...

Q: Neat 

He said, and I laughed.

Alex: You will also get an extra hour before curfew tonight 

He said, and all the students started cheering excitedly. Not that everyone followed the curfew the previous night. I could hear laughs and talk until two in the morning, and we were supposed to be in bed by 10. But no one was scared of Alex, and they just didn't care if they get caught or not 

Alex: Great, let's get cleaning 

He said, and everyone took a gardening tool and started doing their job. I was helping Olympe clean some leaves from the floor into a rubbish bag until I saw Kitty talking to Yuri and her mood looked better, so when they stopped talking I went towards her.

Y/n: Hey, how have you been?

I asked, and she looked at me with an apologetic smile 

Kitty: Sorry for how I acted in the morning, it just a lot of information just filled my head last night, and I was just trying to process it. That's all 

She said and I nodded understanding what she said 

Y/n: Yeah same 

I said, and I heard Olympe calling my name to go and help her with something

Kitty: I am glad to see you making friends! It means a lot to me to see you being happy after what happened with Patrick 

She said, and I looked at the ground when I heard his name. I never told you what happened to him because I just couldn't say his name anymore. But now that my sister brought it up, I think that you also need to know. Well after the incident he was suspended of course and went to court. I still don't know if he came out innocent or not, but we will have to wait and see 


I said, and she hugged me tight, I hugged her back

Kitty: When we will return to school, I have so many things I need to fill you in 

She said with a smile while walking away, and I went to help Olympe.

After a while a fancy blue car was parked outside the gate and I heard some girls screaming the name of "Ocean Park". Well, I knew him, but to say the truth I wasn't a big fan of his. Neither was Olympe, and it seems that we were the only girls that didn't go screaming at him. Madison was the first one that went to him and started bragging about the shows of him that she went to. Olympe and I were sitting behind the crowd and I noticed Minho going to him 

Minho: Hi! My mother Dami says hello Mr. Park

He said, and Park's eyes lighten when he heard her name 

Park: Ah Dami! Your mother is an incredible woman. Did she tell you about the time that I ran into her at Sundance?

He asked and Minho looked at him confused 

Park: She kept me warm on a really cold night 

He said, and Minho still looked confused 

Minho: Excuse me?

He said, and I covered my mouth to hold my laughter when I realized what he meant. But of course, he noticed me 

Minho: Don't you dare, laugh 

He said angrily coming towards us and I hid behind Olympe 

Y/n: He is crazy, please someone help me 

I said, and Olympe left when Minho gave her a death stare 

Minho: Are you mocking me?

He said and I just smirked 


I said, proud of myself, and he just smirked before he pulled me by my waist and kiss me. When he pulled back, he smiled at me and then whispered 

Minho: Meet me at my tent at 8

He said, whispering before he walked away. Then Olympe came to me with a huge smile on her face

Olympe: You are going on a date! I have to get you ready 

She said in excitement and I looked at her confused! Date?

Y/n: Wait what?

I asked and she looked at me with the are-you-serious-look 

Olympe: Are you serious? I can't believe that you didn't realize that Minho invited you on a date

She said, and that was when I realized. It's not my fault that I am a slow friend, and sometimes I need time to process things. Now I started to panic because that idiot just invited me on our first date and I seriously have nothing to wear. I mean, who brings nice clothes on a school trip?

Y/n: I have nothing to wear 

I said in horror, and she smiled 

Olympe: Don't worry, I will help you

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