𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𓇽

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The drive was long, 15 hours in the car with a highly irritable papa and a talkative Gogo. It was interesting to see the change outside. How we went from a big city to more of a ocean side cottage area over our two day drive across the continent. Once we arrived in our new town, we drove threw the nice side of the island with gorgeous houses. Four floors, a whole bunch of windows, several balconies and gates in front of each house. They were like mansions, beach side mansions. The more we drove, I realized that the house we were staying in wasn't anything like those.

We pulled up to an old, abandoned looking home. It reminded me of a cottage for a retired couple from a really old movie. The grass was covered in weeds, the house was discolored, and the windows weren't even clear anymore, several having cracks in them.

"Ellie, why would me move here? I liked it back in L.A"

"Gogo we just got here, you don't know how it is yet. The house doesn't have to look nice to be our home. No te preocupes."(dont worry)

I started bringing her stuff inside and choose the roomiest room. It had a view of the ocean behind it. The house might not have looked nice but at least the view was great. I could see the ocean, the waves, the sunset, you could see little fish jumping out of the water, it was just perfect. It was like a picture you would find on Pinterest, yet i could look at it threw my window. I unpacked my things then went outside in the back to check out the area a bit more.

I walked threw the messy yard until I reached the beach. The sand felt so soft on my feet. I sat down and just admired the view for awhile. The sound of the waves hitting the rocks, the wind blowing threw my hair. I thought about Mami and how she could be doing the same thing as me right now. She could be sitting on the beach looking out on the water, or she could be sleeping in her bed, or even walking on a street in a big city. I had no clue where she was right know, but I knew that she was free. Free and happy.

After awhile I got up and started to head back. As I was walking, I saw a treehouse. It looked old but was definitely sturdy. I climbed up the ladder and saw how big the platform actually was. I could definitely fix this up, get some lights, blankets and pillows. Make it something that I could actually enjoy. This could be a cool little spot, a little getaway from Papa when he gets on one of his tantrums, or even just to clear my mind.

Once I got back in the house I went to check on Diego. He has always had trouble falling asleep. Its probably a consequence of Mami's decision to let him sleep with her until he was six, but I would need to be patient, it would be a process in this new house to get him sleeping on his own.

"You still up Gogo?"

"Yeah, Ellie where did you go?"

"Checking out the yard. I'm surprised you got your room set up without me"

"Papa helped me out, he didn't want me to do it alone"

"Of course he did," I said with a sigh. He was always neglectful to me but somehow had a soft spot for his son. "Well, you gotta get to sleep, you got school tomorrow."

"I know, can you stay Ellie. Please, I promise Ill be good tomorrow"

"Yes Gogo, ill stay. Scooch over"

"Goodnight Ellie"

"Night Gogo, te amo" (I love you)


I woke up and headed to my room to get ready. I didn't really plan what I was going to wear today, and I was regretting it. Looking at my very unpacked room, boxes of clothes scattered everywhere, bags of hair products nowhere to be seen. I couldn't even find an elastic to tie it up. I decided to just throw on some jean shorts, a cute crop tank and my air forces that I had in my bag as an extra outfit for the ride here. I had my hair down because today my curls were cooperating with only water. A miracle.

Once I was ready, I headed downstairs to make everyone breakfast. Attempting to make food with the little ingredients we had in this house. Diego slowly came into the kitchen, stumbling into the doorway. You could tell he was still half asleep.

"Diego, you are wearing your shirt inside out''

"What, how is my shirt inside and out?"

"Diego, your shirt is the wrong way you duff. Go fix it and brush your hair. The spray bottle is in the bathroom"

I swear, that boy sometimes is really on another planet. If his head wasn't attached to his body, he would probably forget about it and leave it somewhere. Without someone telling him what to do, I'm afraid he would literally be lost and have no idea what to do with himself.

I continued my cooking, while also attempting to apply a bit of makeup at the same time. Once the meal was done, we all sat down and enjoyed the eggs and toast I made. Papa wasn't too pleased with the meal but it was all that was in the fridge so I couldn't have really don't anything else. He would have to get used to my cooking skills because I definitely wasn't as talented as Mami, but he would force me to cook for him anyways and expect me to make the most gourmet meals with no food in the pantry.

"Diego and Briella, I don't want anyone to know about our family and why we are here ok? Diego, don't mention that Mami left the other day or about mi problemas de dinero(my money problems) ok? And Briella, I swear if anyone finds out about our little issues it will be the last time you ever leave my sight, alright"

"Yep papa"

"Of course" I replied, sarcasm being as clear as day.

He didn't like that response, he gave me a glare and I returned the glare right back to him. He knew I wouldn't say anything he just wasn't a fan about my response. Even if i wanted to, I was to scared to tell anyone about what my father does to me. It would cause more harm than anything.

I cleaned up the kitchen and gathered my stuff for the day. Grabbed my bag and made sure Diego had all his things for his first day. Once I triple checked his bag we started our walk to school. It was a long walk, 25 minutes from the house for Gogo, then another 20 to get to mine. Even if i had my license, Papa wouldn't let me use his precious car with the fear I would just leave and never come back, so we would have to get used to walking.

When we got to Gogo's school, I could tell he was nervous. He is a very shy kid, and a new school isn't something he is to excited about. He was comfortable in LA. He knew his teachers, had a good group of friends and was used to his schedule. In a week, that was all taken away from him and changed.

"You'll be fine Diego, just have fun with the other kids and be yourself"

"I guess. You're picking me up write Ellie?"

"Yeah, I might be a little late though because my schools a little far but ill be here. Just wait at the picnic table over there"

"Ok bye!"

He walks off and I continued on my way to school. Diego was lucky, he was the new kid in an elementary school, filled with kids who just want to have fun. I was about to be the new girl in a high school, filled with judgmental teenagers who wanted to gossip about everything. All eyes would be on me the second I walk through the door. Rumors would go around, people would either be extra friendly, extra rude, or completely ignore me and I would just have to walk around alone and lost for the whole day. I would be the talk of the entire school and there was no way to avoid it. I wish I could just be back in elementary school for the day.

I walked in and was immediately looked at by everyone who i past. i felt their eyes following my every step as i made my way to the office for my schedule. Patiently, I waited for that stupid piece of paper. Once I got it, I walked through the halls, finding my locker to put all my stuff in. Still feeling eyes watching my every move.

I grabbed my books and found my way to my first class. D202, English, the most boring, pointless, and long class ever. Great way to start off the day. I was just hoping to meet someone who would be nice, help me out a bit. But we would have to wait and see.

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