chapter 11

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The next morning you had woken up, you were extremely tired, probably from watching a horror movie all the way till 3am, you sat up in bed and yawned before stretching.

"Titan sake I'm so tired.." You mumbled out rubbing your eyes to slowly wake yourself up, that's when you remember the events of last night, especially where Ed had called you 'starlight' which caused you to blush at the thought of it.

"What was he thinking.." You say covering your face and groaning in embarrassment as you thought about it over and over again before hearing a knock at your door.

"Who is it?" You asked looking up at the door to see it open, there stood Enzo, it seems he just woke up too.

"You were so loud last night what were you doing?" They questioned a little annoyed.

"Heh, sorry Enzo me and Ed watched a horror movie last night till 3am, I didn't keep you up did i?" You questioned a little worried knowing you could have possibly kept your little sibling awake all night.

"You didn't, but I heard half of your conversation before falling asleep" he mumbled floating over to you and sitting on your bed.

"Yea, sorry about that" you laugh a bit patting their head softly before ruffling their hair.

"Wanna go get breakfast?" You questioned, when you said breakfast enzo's eyes light up and he looked super excited.

"Yes!" They state before running out of the room and off to the kitchen, which made you laugh.

"Kids got way to much energy in the morning"
You laughed a bit before getting up and heading to the kitchen to find Enzo eating a bowl of cereal.

"That cereal good?" You asked grinning, and chuckling at how quickly Enzo was eating his food

They nod quickly and continue eating which made you laugh a bit before you went and grabbed some food yourself, nytrix had already made some eggs, toast and bacon which you happily took some and sat down next to Enzo and started eating

"So en, what are you planning for today?" You questioned them with a chuckled which seemed to make them laugh as well.

"Can we watch a movie at the owl house?" They asked, a big smile on their face, you tilted your head a bit and thought for a moment before speaking.

"If everyone is okay with it, sure. We could do that" you smile at him before pulling out your phone, ready to ask edric if him and the others wanted to watch a movie together.


Texting edric


Y/n: hey Ed, do you know if everyone is okay with watching a movie together, Enzo wanted to watch a movie at the owl house but I wanted to make sure it was okay with everyone first

Edric: yea let me ask eda, she'll probably agree to letting everyone over to watch it, but I'll ask everyone to see who all wants to go

Y/n: okay, thank you so much Ed :>

Edric: no problem, I'll do anything if we get to hangout again :D

You chuckle as you read the text and thought It was absolutely adorable for edric to say that, you now waited for edric to tell you if it was okay to actually go over to the owl house to watch a movie and to see who all was going.

Edric: so eda agreed as long as we don't trash her house, and amity, Luz, willow, hunter, Gus and king all agreed that they're free to watch it with us

Y/n: that's wonderful, I'll go get Enzo and grab a movie that we have and head over :)

Edric: okay ;)

Edric: :)*  I'm so sorry I miss clicked...

Y/n: lol it's fine I thought it was funny, anyway see ya there

Edric: cya


You and Enzo finally made it to the owl house, a movie in hand and a few snacks in case they didn't have any, you smiled as you knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.(The movie is spiderman into the spider verse) 

The door opened and there stood eda with a grin on her face as she gestured for you and Enzo to come in.

"You kids have fun, me and Raine are going out okay" she says as her and Raine exit the house.

You all nod and say okay in unison before her and Raine left, leaving you and the others to watch the movie.

"So what are we watching?" Willow questioned looking interested in what it could be.

You look at the movie and show it to them. "Spider-man into the spider verse" you say with a huge grin on your face, the name of the movie confused everyone except for Luz.

"Oh my god they'll love it" Luz states with a chuckle she was smiling and sitting next to Amity holding her hand and laying her head on her shoulder.

"God I hope" you say chuckling as you put the disc in the DVD player connected to the tv and turned it on.

"What's it about?" Edric asked tilting his head confused. "Spiders?"

You and Luz both laugh at that and smile at him. "Something like that, but you'll definitely enjoy it" you say to him before sitting next to him and handing everyone some snacks that you had in your bag before pressing play on the movie.


A/n: cliffhanger bitches,  it's mainly because I want to know if you guys are okay with what I chose, but anyway I'll be making another part to this cliffhanger, it'll be their reactions to the movie and I also wanna know if you guys have watched the movie yet because if you haven't I won't put to many spoilers for your sake, but I'll be working on it and hopefully you guys enjoy it :>

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