Chapter 25: A Sad Realization

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I'm playing outside with Gil, Howey, and Gri! We're playing Holy Knights! I'm on Howey's team and we're winning!

"What're you guys up to?" I know that voice, it's daddy! I quickly turn my head with a huge smile across my face.

"Daddy-" I pause when I see his face, it's so, so... it looks so mean! I quickly turn my head back to the boys. "Howey!" I freeze once my eyes land on them. I step back only to bump into someone. I turn around to see... 

I quickly sit up panting, my body feels so heated and yet I'm covered in a cold sweat. That face burned into my head. I glance around the room, I recognize it, it's my room in Camelot. I look in the corner and I see Helbram leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he's also shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his chest. He almost looks like he's glaring at me.

"Helbram!" I smile at him. But he doesn't say anything back. "Huh? Is something wrong?" He takes a deep breath before walking forward.

"You don't listen, that's what's wrong." Helbram's voice is so cold, it's kind of scary.

"I don't lis-" I pause, his wings... My eyes widen as I notice how short they are, I can barely see them behind his arm. He tilts his head backwards before clinching his teeth. "What happened?"

"You happened!" He snaps his head back at me. "You can't listen worth a damn! I told you to heal Diane and instead you decided to attack that monster!"

"I can heal them-" I say in a low tone voice before he cuts me off.

"No! No, you can't because somebody decided to light the demon on fire! My wings were burned up! There is no healing them back!" Helbram shouts at me. "You know what? Every single time my wings have been damaged, it has been because you didn't listen to me. You never listen! But you're pretty good at getting in the way, aren't you!?" I can feel my heart sink into my stomach, there's so much hatred in his words. "You are supposed to be stronger than me and yet I'm the one who keeps having to save you! You're so irritating to deal with!" Helbram shakes his head obviously getting too frustrated. "What useful thing have you even done since you got here? Hmm!?"

"I..." My eyes are so watery it's hard to see. "I saved you-"

"You saved a dead fairy on borrowed time just for you to keep getting them hurt, you didn't do a damn thing." He sighs. "I don't even know why you did that. It wouldn't change a single thing if you didn't." He goes towards the door. "Or, actually, it would change one thing." He turns his head back to me. "Nobody would be there to save you." And he leaves.

"I..." I mutter before grabbing my chest. Tears start to run down my cheeks. I stand up and quickly realize my stomach hurts really badly. I look down and notice that the dress Helbram gave me has a big hole in the middle of it, and it's surrounded by dry blood. But I don't see any wounds. I look towards the window. "I know his wings have to be out there, right? They just couldn't find them..." I assure myself that this is the case and I take off to go find them. As I fly over the destroyed part of the city, I see the scorch marks on the ground caused by my Hellblaze. I land beside it.

"I know they... have to be..." As I look around, I can't seem to find them. I can feel this terrifying dumb feeling in my stomach that almost makes me want to throw up. I glance over and I see the amount of blood surrounding the area, and then it hits me.

"I told you to heal Diane and instead you decided to attack that monster!"

"I... Diane... I didn't heal her? Why can't I ever remember!" I cover my mouth as I stare at the sheer amount of blood covering the ground. "I didn't heal her, what if she's?" My legs instantly feel weak, and I collapse, tears pouring out of my eyes. And the images that flash through my mind don't make it any better. "Merlin..." I shake my head trying to get the images out. "Meliodas... Merlin... Slader... All of them..." I shakily mutter. I can feel my whole body shaking as the realization hits. "I couldn't save them... All of them are..."

"You never listen! But you're pretty good at getting in the way, aren't you!?"

"It's my fault... I'm just..." I can feel my face numb out, and I'm finally able to stand but, it's almost as if I'm just watching it happen. Like I'm on autopilot or something.

"Every single time my wings have been damaged, it has been because you."

"I shouldn't be here..." I look towards the castle. "I'm sure this'll be better..." I feel my feet lift off the ground and my head turn but it still doesn't feel like I'm the one doing it, it feels more like I'm trapped inside my head with thousands of thoughts wrapping around my body, making it impossible to move, or even think. I watch helplessly as I leave Camelot, heading who knows where. 

I can't tell how fast time is moving or how slow it is. It feels like I haven't even woken up, and yet I've watched a sunset and a sunrise before I finally land at the place I wanted to go so badly. But this isn't what I remember... What happened here? 

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