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It has been a year now. I’m taking my graduation tomorrow. Jessica comes in to my room to see if I’m ready for dinner, me, Jessica and Adam are going out.

 “Hey Cassie are you…” she stops and looks at me. “You’re so beautiful sweetie!” she says and hugs me.

 “Thank you, you too” I say and smile

 “Is Yoseob coming tomorrow?” she asks

 “I don’t know, I should probably call him” I say and she nods and leaves my room. I pick up my phone and calls Yoseob, he answers quickly.

 “Yoboseyo?” I hear him say and I smile when I hear his voice

 “Hi Yoseob! It’s Cassie”

 “Cassie, hi!!” he shouts and I laugh “How are you?”

 “I’m great but I have a question”

 “Sure, what is it?”

 “Well, as you know I have my graduation tomorrow and I wonder… do you and the members want to come?” I ask

 “Oh… I’m so sorry Cassie. We have a huge concert in Singapore tomorrow” he says with a sad voice

 “Uhm… that’s okay, I understand. Well I have to go now, I’m going out with Jessica and Adam, bye”

 “Bye, love you”

“Love you to” I say and then the conversation ends. I bite my lip hard to not cry.

 “Cassie are you alright?” Adam asks and sits down on my bed and Jessica comes after him.

 “He’s not coming, he will be in Singapore by then” I say and Jessica hugs me

 “Oh sweetie I’m so sorry!” she says

 “It sucks to have a boyfriend that is famous”

 “No don’t think that way! He loves you and I promise you that if he wouldn’t have been busy then he would take the first plane here” Adam says and I nod

 “Let’s go, I’m starving!” I say and smile. They nod and we go out to Adam’s car.

After 10 minutes we stop after awhile.

 “Pizza Hut, wow how romantic you are” Jessica says to Adam and he laughs

 “Well I can’t be to romantic when Cassie is with us”

 “And what’s that suppose to mean?” I say

 “You’re younger than us” he smirks

 “Only a few months!” I say and they laugh at me

 “But Adam, we dressed up, you can’t be serious” Jess says and Adam puts an arm around her shoulder.

 “I’m just kidding, it’s the restaurant over there” he says and point to the left. It’s beautiful, I think it’s famous or something.

 “I didn’t see that before” I say

 “Not me either” Jess says. I turn and look at Adam

 “You came up with this right now, right?” I ask and he smiles


I put on the graduation dress and pants, after that I fix my hair and makeup. I walk down to Adam and Jessica.

 “Beautiful as always” Jessica says and hand me my graduation hat.

 “Ready to go girls?” Adam says and put his hands over our shoulders

 “Let’s go!” I shout and we walk out from the house and to the school. The teachers have fixed so it’s outside. We sit down and I start to read my speech.

 “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine” Jess says and I nod.

I stand up and walk to the stage, time for the speech. At the same time that I was suppose to talk a car stops a bit further away and six people step out from it. I smile at him and take a deep breath and start talking.

“… let’s remember each other and let us remember the happy moments, the funny school trips and everything that was fun in these three years. Let’s never forget” I end the speech and I can hear applauds.

 “Dear seniors, congratulations! You have now graduated!” our headmaster shout and we shout happily and throw up out hats in the air.

 “We made it!” Jessica says and hugs me.

 “Yay, let’s go shopping!” Adam says with a girly voice and we laugh at him.

 “Have fun you two, I have to do something” I say and smile

 “Okay, see you later” Jess says and smiles back. They walk away and I start running where I saw him. I throw myself at him and kiss him.

 “I didn’t think you would come” I say and smile

 “I didn’t thought you would follow with me in to the house the first day we met” he says and kisses me on the lips

 “Okay really adorable, can you say hi to us now?” Kikwang laughs and I hug him

 “I’ve missed you too” I say and he laughs.

I hug the other members and then look at all six of them. “You haven’t changed at all” I smile

 “Not you either, you’re still the cute little girl that we met last year” Hyunseung giggles

 “So what are you going to do this summer?” Yoseob asks

 “I was thinking to travel all around the world with my 5 best friends and my boyfriend” I smile

 “All around the world?” Junhyung asks

 “Yeah why not, let’s start in South Korea so you can get your stuff then let’s travel”

 “Sounds like a fun idea” Doojoon says and the other members nods

 “Let’s leave tomorrow” Kikwang says and I smile

 “Tomorrow will be perfect”

I go and tell Adam and Jessica the news, and guess what! They’re coming with us! I walk away and look at the school for the last time. I feel someone hugs me from behind and I smile.

 “I love you Yoseob”

 “I love you to, and guess what”


 “Ni Ga Je Il Joh A”


That's the end!! I really hope you have enjoyed this story and maybe

you'll re-read it because it was so good! xD h and if you don't know what

Ni Ga Je Il Joh A means it means I Like You The Best :D Hope you will read

my next story to, but for now I will take my little vacation, bye! Fighting!!

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