Chapter Twenty

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I'M BACK!!!! Okay it was like three days, hehe xD well tomorrow is school so I won't be updaiting much -or will I? ;)- Okay well here is the chapter and I'm sorry if there are any bad spellings! Enjoy :D

Cassie’s POV

I was running as fast as I could. I don’t know where I’m going I just keep on running.

 “Cassie wait!” I hear Junhyung shout but I don’t stop. I can hear him coming close to me and he grips my wrist and makes me stop.

 “Let go of me!” I scream and hit him on the arm but he don’t let go

 “Cassie, calm down. Everything is gonna be alright, okay?” he says calmly and I nod and start cry again. “Hey don’t cry” he says and hugs me. I start cry more against his chest and he comforts me.

 “Why did he do that? He knows that me and Yoseob are together so why?” I ask and he shakes his head.

 “He has feelings for you, for awhile now I think. He didn’t know anything about that you had a relationship with Yoseob, if he knew he wouldn’t do that”

We sit down on a bench and look at the river. This is probably the best right now, I need to calm down from everything. He put an arm around me and I rest my head against his chest.

 “We should probably head back now” I say and he looks at me

 “Are you sure?”

 “Yeah it takes a while to come here, so I can calm down on the way back” I say nad he nods.

 “Well then, let’s head back” he says and I give him a weak smile

Doojoon’s POV

I didn’t see what happened but when I walked down the stairs I heard Yoseob screaming at Dongwoon.

 “Hey stop it! What’s wrong with you two?!” I shout and stand in the middle

 “He kissed my girlfriend!” Yoseob screams and point at Dongwoon

 “Is Cassie your girlfriend?” I ask curious

 “My girlfriend and my responsibility!” Yoseob says

 “Okay I get it! You don’t have to overreact! It was just a kiss!” Dongwoon shouts

 “Overreact? You say that I’m overreacting?! She cried and ran away and you say that I shouldn’t overreact?!” Yoseob screams. And before I know it Yoseob runs passed me and towards Dongwoon and throw himself over him. Yoseob starts punshing his face and me and Kikwang run against them

 “Stop it!” Kikwang shouts and I grab Yoseob’s arms and drag him away from Dongwoon. Dongwoon is standing shocked in Kikwang’s arms while Yoseob is fighting against my strength so he can hit Dongwoon again.

 “That’s enough Yoseob” I say calmly and he stops fighting against him and me and Kikwang let go of Dongwoon and Yoseob.

I see how Dongwoon starts to wobble and then falls to the ground.

Dongwoon’s POV

I slowly open my eyes and see that I’m in my room and Cassie is next to me. I start move and she loos at me.

 “Don’t move” she says slowly and put something on my jaw. “He hit you really hard” she whispers and I nod.

 “Why are you helping me?” I ask and she look at me

 “It was stupid to kiss me when everything is happening but still, you are my friend and everyone deserve a second chance” she says and I give her a weak smile but I stop because it hurts so much.

 “Thanks” I mumble and she smiles at me

 “You should rest now, I’m going to talk to Yoseob” she says and stands up and walk out of the room

Yoseob’s POV

Cassie walks out from Dongwoon’s room and looks at me. The tears are already forming in my eyes.

 “How is he?” I ask and she stands in front of me

 “He’s resting now, but it will take a while for his jaw to recover I think” she says without looking into my eyes

 “I’m sorry” I mumble and she looks at my eyes

 “Why are you saying sorry to me? I wasn’t the one who got hit” she says coldly

 “Cassie please, don’t be mad at me”

 “Mad at you? Oh no I won’t get mad at you because your best friend kissed me and then you hit him! I get that you’re protective but hitting your friend because of a kiss, that’s just stupid” she says and I feel a tear running down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly. “I think we moved forward to quickly, you and me. We should have waited a while longer, I’m so sorry Yoseob” she says and tears start streaming down her cheeks

 “Please Cassandra, don’t” I say and I don’t care about the tears on my cheeks

 “I want us to stay friends, but nothing more”

 “Please, give me one more chance”

 “This is your second chance Yoseob. If you screw it up again it might be the last time you will be seeing me”

 “Please, I was acting stupid. I won’t do it again”

 “I’m sorry Yoseob. For now, I don’t want to be more than friends with you. I’m so sorry” she says and run up to her room.

I sit down on the floor with tears falling down my cheeks, I don’t care who sees me right now. The only thing that matters now is that I’ve screwed things up.

Kikwang’s POV

I was sitting on the bed playing with my phone when Cassie comes in crying.

 “Hey what is it?” I ask and she hugs me hard and starts crying loudly. “Hey calm down sweetie. Tell me, what happened?” I ask and she looks at me

 “I broke up with him” she says so quiet that I almost can’t hear. I hug her tightly and she rests her head against my chest. “What if he don’t forgive me” she says

 “Don’t worry, Yoseob isn’t the kind of person that dowsn’t forgive. He takes things hard but I can promise you that he will forgive you”


 “I promise” I say and she smiles.

 “Thank you Kikwang, you’re the best”

 “I’m here to help my friends”

 “I can say that you succed with it” she says and I smile

 “Well that’s good, right?” I say and she laughs quietly. My phone starts ringing and I quickly pick it up, it’s Hyunseung. “Hi Hyunseung, how are you?”

 “I’m great!”

 “You sound so happy, why? Your father died right?” I didn’t want to mention it but I had to

 “He was dead but they brought him back to life”

 “Wow, that’s amazing!”

 “I know”

 “So when are you coming back?”

 “I’ll be home in two days”


Sad part but happy ending! Hope you liked it! :D

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