5| Fate

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Jake's POV:

I'm not sure what to feel now that I came back. I know I said to myself that I would fight against fate but, what if I can't? What if it's already been decided and I can only sit there and watch? Oh, it's her again. "You, need help?"

"No, I don't. What? This wasn't supposed to happen, was it? " Well, I kind of do."

"Oh, I'll take you home since you're next door." Wait wouldn't she be suspicious of how I know she lives next door? Dang it! "I d-didn't mean to come off as weird or anything. It was a guess because, well it's the only house that was sold in our neighborhood! My grandma told me there was a girl my age and told me to greet her. I didn't mean to offend you."

"It's fine!" She seems like she's judging me. It was a bad start already. We talked for a while, and then we finally arrived at her house. I don't know why but when I'm with her, I wish... I wish time could pass by a little bit slower because then I could grow closer to her.

Evelyn was always an emotional person. So, she had always looked weak to others, and I had always looked strong. But those people will never know that the person who's weak and pathetic is...me. I would always tell myself I should never try too hard since I wouldn't be able to feel anything but what I didn't realize was that I started to feel ever since that day.

"Hey, Evelyn are you seriously crying over a necklace?" Evelyn?! What's going on? I have to find out. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" "Oh, it looks like your bestie just arrived. You know if you never existed maybe your dad wouldn't have died." Evelyn wasn't their target, it was me. Why would they target her for such a childish thing?!

At that moment I no longer had control over my body until... "Jake please stop. Don't do this it's not worth it." She was "weak" yet she was the only one who could stop me at that moment. Evelyn continued to stop me from my other fights and it worked every single time. Perhaps, at that moment I didn't know what that feeling was but now I realized I was able to feel emotions. Although I'm not able to express it properly, I know what liking someone feels like.

Evelyn was probably the only one who made me feel... human. The others only see me as a possessed child. And, because of this rumor, not only did my reputation get ruined Evelyn did too but she didn't care.

"Have you heard? Evelyn's been hanging out with the devil kid lately." "Oh my gosh?!" I was used to all those comments so it didn't matter. "Hey. You guys don't even know him!" Evelyn once again was the only one standing up for me. "Haven't you heard Evelyn? His parents left after he was born. Then a few days later his father died."

"So, are you blaming all of this on a child? A child who was just born... Do you think a child who was just born would want these things to happen? Is that what you're saying?"

"Evelyn, let's just go. You don't have to stand up for me."

Evelyn was always like that and that only made me feel more...pathetic. She shouldn't have to stand up for me and ruin her reputation. "Why didn't you let me stand up for you?" "Evelyn, those people will only believe what they hear. So, no matter what you do they won't believe you!" "You could've at least tried!" That was probably the very first time that I've seen Evelyn be this mad.

All I could do was stare at her silently after she said that. I truly, at that moment had nothing to say. Well, now I'll just talk about me and Evelyn in the present. We have gotten closer at school since I knew what her interests and fears were and surprisingly, she seems to know too! Did I make it too obvious that I was scared of the rain?

I also met Kalani later on in the school year. She was strangely nicer. There was one difference though I didn't come outside on that rainy day. So, I guess Kalani must have waited for the rain to be over. I kind of feel guilty for that but I wanted to avoid her as much as possible. Then "that happened". "Jake, will you go out with me? I have liked you since the first time I saw you."

"No, I'm sorry."


Kalani was shocked I could tell but I didn't want her to be in my life anymore. "Jake, why did you reject Kalani earlier then?" I knew I had to tell Evelyn my feelings. "I like someone else."

"You do? Would you say that you would sacrifice for her?" That was a really hard question that made me think a lot but I then had my answer. "The doctors say that I can't feel. They say I don't know love or guilt so, I'll most likely be a terrible person when I grow up. But, for her, I want to be a decent person."

"You care about her, don't you? Well, have you told her how you felt?" I am telling you now so does that count? I wish I could say that out loud. "I have told her indirectly. "Evelyn, how would you feel if a friend confessed to you?" There was silence as soon as I asked that question.

" I think I would be pretty happy and appreciate it. Since I mean they're my friend. But I think I would be very confused. It depends on the person though!"
I couldn't stop myself at that moment so I asked her another question. " What about me? What if I had confessed?" Another moment of silence was present.

"Jake, it's time for bed!" I didn't get to hear her answer because I had to go in. We awkwardly waved goodbye and I went in. The next day at school I couldn't look at her in the eyes due to shame. Why did I even ask that question?

"Jake, would you like to know the answer?"
What was she talking about? Oh... that. " Uh no I don't think I would want to." To be honest I was really curious but I don't think I'll be able to handle the emotions. "Ok." Right after she had said that she silently walked away. We didn't talk at all for the whole day.

Kalani still frequently approached me. It was weird and wasn't pleasant. Today she asked something that I could easily answer. "Jake, you like Evelyn, don't you? Is this why you have been rejecting me?"

"Yeah, you're right I like her." Nobody could ever replace Evelyn because she's not someone important to me. She's someone precious because when you lose a precious thing it hurts a lot. But important things can always change with time. Sometimes you may even realize that they weren't important in the first place.

I never thought that changing fate could be this hard. Oh, wait there's a new movie. It's going to be her favorite in the future. It might be awkward to ask her now but it's now or never! "Evelyn, do you want to hang out today? There's a new movie."

I decided to go straight to the movies after school, so it would take too much time. At the time that we decided to meet up Evelyn arrived. I always know that Evelyn is pretty but today she was perfect. "What movie should we watch?" She didn't answer because she seemed to be distracted by something. So, I asked her again. "Uh, Evelyn?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. We can watch whatever one you want!" After we sat in the theater for about an hour or so the life was over. Even though the movie was over I wanted it to replay or perhaps continue. Not because it was a good movie but, because I wanted to spend more time with her.

"It was fun today, Jake! Let's do this next time!"
"Sure, let's do it next time!" At that moment I realized that my efforts were not in vain. Because, slowly but surely fate was changing.

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